@Phdthesis{RN1097, Author = {Franke, P.}, School = {Fakultät für Umweltwissenschaften, Institut für Siedlungs- und Industriewasserwirtschaft}, Title = {Vergleichende Bilanzierung von zwei SB-Reaktoren der Abwasserreinigung während der straßenweisen Umstellung auf eine erweiterte Vorklärung}, Type = {Master Thesis}, Year = {2017}, Abstract = {Within the context of EU-funded research project Powerstep the transferability of the innovative treatment concept CARISMO should be investigated on a full-scale wastewater treatment plant in a rural area. This concept contains an increased separation of primary sludge through wastewater filtration to use this in the digester for energy production. After filtration the flow to the SBR is reduced in COD load. As a consequence modifications of biocenosis and sludge structure are expected. Aim of this master thesis is to shift and evaluate the process during running operations. During commissioning only one out of two SBR was shifted. The fact allows a direct comparison to standard operations. Efficiency of filtration is shown by a balance of substance flow.}, Project = {carismo}, En_type = {Thesis}, Access = {public}, University = {Technische Universität Dresden}, en_id = {1097} }