@Phdthesis{RN253, Author = {Laborde, R.}, School = {Hydraulique}, Title = {Modelisation d’un Reseau d’Assainissement, Berlin VIII}, Type = {Diploma Thesis}, Year = {2003}, Abstract = {Since the adoption of the European Water Framework Directive in 1991, the discharges of foul water into the rivers during storms have to be limited as much as possible. This issue is particularly tricky in Berlin where the drinking water resources are very sensible to pollution due to the shortness of the water cycle. The Integrated Sewage Management Project aims at improving the management of the sewage network, in order to cut costs and to reduce discharges into the environment. The project relies on the modeling of the different parts of the sewage system (sewers, pumping stations, pressure pipes and wastewater treatment plants). This should enable us to have a global view of the system and to draft various regulation scenarios according to weather conditions. In the end, we should come up with a “policy” that could easily be implemented by operators of the Berliner Wasser Betriebe. This report summarize the main steps of the work that have been conducted on the subcatchment Berlin VIII, namely the building of the network in Infoworks, the calibration of the model during dry and rain weather.}, Project = {ism}, En_type = {Thesis}, Access = {public}, University = {ENSEEIHT}, en_id = {253} }