@Techreport{RN409, Author = {Hoa, E.}, Institution = {Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH}, Title = {Feasibility Study on Post-treatment Options after Riverbank Filtration in Delhi: Minimum Requirements}, Year = {2010}, Abstract = {Rver Bank Filtration (RBF) is a drinking water (pre-)treatment that can remove a wide variety of surface water contaminants . However, the efficiency of this natural treatment process depends on hydrochemical, aquifer- and operational characteristics. Therefore, complementary treatment options may be required in order to build up a multiple-barrier-system and obtain drinking water quality. As a follow-up to the TECHNEAU WP5.2 field investigations, this report aims at identifying potential post-treatment schemes for drinking water production at three river bank filtration sites in New Delhi - Palla, Nizamuddin and Najarfgarh – for which physicochemical parameters as well as levels of inorganic and trace organic substances and microbial contamination have been measured during field campaigns in 2007 and 2008 (see deliverables D5.2.2 and D5.2.6). The three investigated RBF sites in Delhi have distinctive geographical locations and contamination exposures. For each of them, critical water parameters were identified that present a challenge with regards to drinking water production, for which different treatment technologies are envisaged (see table below). For Palla and Najafgarh, one specific water component (fluoride and salinity, respectively) requires targeted treatment. For Nizamuddinm, however, where surface water is highly exposed to contamination from poorly treated waste water, theoretical post-treatment options are no longer efficient and extensive conventional wastewater treatment is recommended. One other possible option for Nizamuddin is the Oxidation / Biofiltration / Membrane technology (OBM process) developed by NTNU and SINTEF within the TECHNEAU project and a specific report on its application to Delhi is planned within TECHNEAU WP7.9. This report shows the theoretical post-treatment options for river bank filtration sites in Delhi. The strong technological requirements for Nizamuddin and Najafgarh seem inadequate to be currently implemented. The priority in Delhi would be to develop an integrated water and wastewater management, in order to reduce contamination in the surface water and thereby lower the technological requirements for drinking water production.}, Project = {techneau}, En_type = {Report}, Access = {public}, Url = {https://publications.kompetenz-wasser.de/pdf/Hoa-2010-409.pdf}, en_id = {409} }