@Phdthesis{RN545, Author = {Stein, R.}, School = {environmental technology}, Title = {Advanced wastewater treatment by the implementation of a ceramic membrane. Studienarbeit}, Type = {Internship Report}, Year = {2012}, Abstract = {This paper is one of the results, developed within the project OXERAM II by the Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin. A pilot plant, equipped with a full (microfiltration) Berlin/Ruhleben. During the is operated for advanced wastewater project, different scale monolithic ceramic membrane treatment at WWTP pre-treatments, namely coagulation and the combination of coagulation and ozonation are applied. Multi-filtration trials in dead-end mode and constant flux operation are performed for over 6 months, with varying operational parameters like flux, time of filtration, dosages of coagulant and ozone. Operational behaviour is evaluated through the evolution of trans-membrane pressure via time. Also total and irreversible fouling rates are calculated showing benefits within the combined pre-treatment, regarding membrane fouling and stable operation at high recoveries (98 %). The application of 15 mgO3 · L-1, respectively a specific ozone dosage from 1.0 to 1.4 mgO3 · (mgDOC)-1 leads to a total fouling rate reduction of 75 %. LC-OCD analysis is furthermore used for a more detailed view on changes in DOC, especially biopolymers. Sampling of the pilot plants influent and effluent water is additionally used for the evaluation of treatment efficiency, e.g. disinfection and in particular phosphorous, where emissions are reduced to 20 ± 5 µg P · L-1 in accordance with the European Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC).}, Project = {oxeram-2}, En_type = {Thesis}, Access = {public}, University = {Technische Universität Berlin}, en_id = {545} }