@Techreport{RN8, Author = {Luck, F.}, Institution = {Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH}, Month = {02}, Title = {Enhanced Nutrients Removal in Membrane Bioreactor (ENREM) - Progress report 1- LIFE 04 ENV/D/058}, Year = {2005}, Abstract = {The ENREM project aims at demonstrating a novel wastewater treatment process based on the technology of membrane bioreactor (MBR), set up in a configuration to enable enhanced biological elimination of nutrients. A new plant, and the related sewer system, is to be built in a yet unsewered remote area of Berlin. The plant will be then operated over more than one year, and the process will be optimised. Performances and costs of the treatment system will be then assessed for the size 250 – 10,000pe, corresponding to semi-central schemes. The management of the project has been achieved according to the organisation identified in the LIFE proposal. No relevant modification has been required. Annex 3.1 presents and discusses the key deliverables and milestones depending on the LIFE proposal and the current status. In relation to the technical content, Task 2 “Site and process definition” and Task 4 “Detailed design” are quasi-completed, with however a four month delay which will put back consequently the following actions, such as start of sewer and plant construction, and plant commissioning. Specifically, the following actions were completed, or are on the verge of completion: - Cost-comparison of decentralised treatment solutions to serve 20 unsewered areas of Berlin and selection of demonstration site (district of Margaretenhöhe); - Revision of cost evaluation for infrastructure; - Planning and specification of MBR plant; - Preparation and release of call for tender of MBR plant; - Planning and specification of low-pressure sewer; - Preparation and release of call for tender of low-pressure sewer construction; - Acquisition of legal permits (for plant construction & operation, water discharge); - Acquisition of parcel for MBR plant. In addition, the first trials phase of Task 3 “Preliminary testing on representative site” (period with irregular excess sludge withdrawal) was completed and enabled to validate the design criteria of the MBR demonstration plant. The relationship with the inhabitants of Margaretenhöhe was initiated in order to ensure a smooth construction phase, and a quick connection to the new sewer system. Dissemination activities were undertaken accordingly as shown in Annexes 7.1-7.3, and the project web-site in three languages was set up (see in www.kompetenz-wasser.de). The communications on project are expected to ramp up in 2005 and 2006, as more outcomes and results are getting available. The main task in 2005 will be the construction and commissioning of the low sewer system and the MBR demonstration plant. The start-up of the novel treatment scheme is now expected for October / November 2005. From the budget perspective, the total costs incurred over 2004 were 198,353€. This is 6% of the total budget of the LIFE proposal. The infrastructure costs and most of equipment costs (expected 62% of total budget) should occur in 2005 during the construction and commissioning phases of the scheme. No major budget deviation was noticed so far, and the re-evaluation of the infrastructure costs fit with those of the LIFE proposal.}, Project = {enrem}, En_type = {Report}, Access = {public}, Url = {https://publications.kompetenz-wasser.de/pdf/Luck-2005-8.pdf}, en_id = {8} }