Care and maintenance concepts for blue-green infrastructure
Numerous cities and municipalities in Germany and worldwide are grappling with major challenges arising from increased urbanisation and its detrimental interplay with climate change. The negative consequences of increased surface sealing are being exacerbated: increased flooding due to heavy storm events, erosion from river flooding, and prolonged periods of heat and drought. These issues are increasingly straining both urban residents and ecosystems.
The research project City Blues aims to develop solutions for climate change-induced stresses. The focus lies on blue-green infrastructure measures that combine natural and artificial elements to improve the quality of life for citizens. "Green" refers to green roofs, green spaces and infiltration measures, while "blue" refers to water surfaces and fountains.
In collaboration with Scandinavian and Baltic partners from cities, municipalities and research institutions, a joint operational model for the planning, implementation and maintenance of blue-green infrastructure measures is being developed. This model will be implemented and tested in five partner cities: Tampere in Finland, Malmö in Sweden, Tartu in Estonia, Stavanger in Norway, and Aarhus in Denmark.
KWB is leading a work package that provides tailored care and maintenance concepts for the blue-green infrastructure measures. Innovative measurement campaigns and methods are employed to validate the various maintenance measures. The aim is to create a practical maintenance guide for the partner cities, enabling them to implement effective care and maintenance for their blue-green infrastructures. The results will be accessible to city administrations and the public. Through City Blues, we empower cities and municipalities to contribute to future-oriented, water-sensitive urban development and safeguard a liveable environment for their residents.