Treatment of Emerging Pollutants in Water and Wastewater
The DEMEAU research and demonstration project is financed by the EU and integrates well-known European research institutions and companies of the water sector. The aim of the project consortium coordinated by KWR Watercycle Research Institute (NL) is to further develop and demonstrate technologies which are suitable to eliminate trace organics from both surface waters and wastewaters and to analyse their performance.
The scope of KWB’s research activities primarily involves water management issues focussing on managed aquifer recharge (MAR) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). In addition, KWB provides support to dissemination and communication activities as well as to the overall project management.
The investigations on MAR which are coordinated by KWB will mobilize the experience which has been gained with MAR-systems at different sites throughout Europe. The main objective is to facilitate the authorization of new MAR sites taking into account the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive as well as of the European Groundwater Directive.
KWB is also responsible for the work package related to “LCA and Cost Estimation”. All methods and technologies for the removal of trace organic compounds identified in the course of the project will be subject to economic evaluation and LCA. In close cooperation with the project partners, KWB will contribute to analyse the barriers preventing the introduction of new technologies to the European markets.
Official project website:
© header photo: Berliner Wasserbetriebe
© slider photos: CETAQUA Centro Tecnológico del Agua

- Challenges and technological approaches for tackling emerging contaminants in drinking and wastewater
- Sixty years of global progress in managed aquifer recharge
- Development of a Catalogue on European MAR Sites - Documentation
- Development of a European MAR catalogue
- Characterization of European managed aquifer recharge (MAR) sites - Analysis