The DEMOWARE project’s main objective is to tackle existing barriers in the fields of water reuse by executing a highly collaborative programme of demonstration and exploitation. Using nine existing and one greenfield innovation site distributed all over Europe, the project is structured in 9 work packages dealing with treatment processes and reuse schemes (WP1), process monitoring and performance control (WP2), risk and environmental benefit analysis (WP3), business models and pricing strategies (WP4) and governance and stakeholder collaboration (WP5). Specific work packages for dissemination (WP7) and exploitation (WP8) are also included in the project. Project outcomes will guide the development of a live in-development water reuse scheme in the Vendée greenfield site (WP6).
Within this framework KWB focuses on both demonstration of low cost fit-for purpose disinfection alternatives for agricultural water reuse and the demonstration of innovative hybrid and low cost MAR technologies combined with appropriate pre-treatment for indirect potable reuse. Moreover, KWB leads WP3 on risk assessment and environmental benefit analysis which aims at combining diverse state-of-the art methods for assessing the potential consequences of water reuse for the environment and human health. Furthermore, KWB is involved in the management, dissemination and exploitation activities of the project.

- Deliverable 1.4 Pretreatment requirements and design guidelines for SAT technologies - DEMOWARE
- DEMOWARE D1.2: Report on opportunities for nutrient reduction and recycling in water reuse schemes
- Deliverable D3.3: Generic assessment of treatment trains concerning their environmental impact and risk reduction potential
- Deliverable D3.2: Show case of the environmental benefits and risk assessment of reuse schemes
- Deliverable D6.5: Health and environmental risk management for the operation of the greenfield demo site