Dr. Pascale Rouault, Head of Unit Urban Systems at KWB has been appointed as one of the leaders of the Data Sharing action group which belongs to the ICT4Water cluster. ICT4Water is a hub for EU-funded research and innovation projects working towards the digital transformation of the water sector.
Currently, around 25 projects are active members of the ICT4Water cluster and this way, support the gathering and evaluation of water-related information and develop synergies between the member projects. On the basis of this expertise, the action groups interact with the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) and the EC Directorate-General for Communication Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT) and advises the European Commission on future roadmaps, appropriate measures and new guidelines in the field of water management and ICT.
Pascale’s Data Sharing action group focuses on the use of intra- and cross-sectorial data for the benefit of utilities, water intense industries and citizens, for example in terms of an early warning system for bathing water quality.
“I am very pleased to be able to create real added value for smart cities and, of course, for their residents through networking and evaluating innovative projects. At the same time, I am pleased that my new position is a good opportunity for the KWB to consolidate its expertise and to become even more visible in the water community.” – Dr. Pascale Rouault