Dr. Ulf Miehe to present at Water Reuse Europe

According to the latest Drought in Europe report released by JRC Global Drought Observatory in March 2023, the impact of dry conditions this past winter on the availability of water resources is already evident in many areas of western and northwestern Europe and several smaller areas in southern Europe. One way of alleviating the impact of drought on our water supply, and more specifically on agriculture, is through water reuse.

Dr. Ulf Miehe will present on “Water reuse in agriculture: Exploiting synergies with the German national micropollutant strategy” at the Water Reuse Europe | Water Europe Joint Webinar on Agricultural water reuse in Europe. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear about how to capitalize on organic micropollutant removal and water reuse potential, practical approaches for implementing the EU Water Reuse Regulation, and results from various projects dealing with water reuse, such as the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funded FlexTreat project.

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