Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin annouces launch of new projects "CWPharma“ and "REEF 2 W“
CWPharma - Clear Waters from Pharmaceuticals – will contribute to reduce the entry of drug residues the Baltic Sea catchment area through the systematic development of decision support and recommendations for politics, authorities and communities.
The REEF 2W project - Increasing the share of renewable energy and improving energy efficiency by creating synergies between municipal sewerage systems and waste management - will develop and apply new processes for public infrastructures of cities and municipalities which promise greater energy efficiency and increased use of renewable raw materials.
Intense rain events and the related urban storm water inundation challenge the storm water management in Berlin and Brandenburg. What impact do the water masses have on the quality of our drinking water?
EUWID Wasser und Abwasser Report Klärschlamm 2018
November 01, 2017
Newspaper article (in German) about the POWERSTEP-Seminar "Energy positive sewage treatment plants – A sustainable solution for climate protection in municipalities" on 26 October 2017.
The film "Unterwegs mit Plastikjägern" ("On the road with plastic hunters") accompanies the scientists of the OEMP project during their work on microplastic particles from tire abrasion or clothes made of synthetic fibres and documents the studies carried out at the pilot plant for microplastic particles removal at WWTP Ruhleben site, operated by KWB.
Für das KWB war Andreas Matzinger auf dem Podium. Im Fokus der Diskussion standen Herausforderungen der Regenwasserbewirtschaftung in Berlin. Alle Diskussionspartner waren sich einig, dass Regenwasser zukünftig verstärkt am Ort des Niederschlags zurückgehalten werden muss, um Kanalisation und Gewässer zu entlasten. In der Diskussion wurde vielfach das Projekt KURAS zitiert, das für solche Fragen umfangreiche Lösungsvorschläge erarbeitet hat.
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