Périllon, C. , Orlikowski, D. , Sautjeau, B. , Guégain, C. , Randon, G. , Matzinger, A. , Rouault, P. (2011): Implementation of small organically enriched constructed wetlands to mitigate agricultural nitrate hotspots in Brittany, France.

p 15 In: Joint Meeting of Societey of Wetland Scientists, Wetpol and Wetland Biogeochemistry Symposium. Prague. 3-8 July 2011


Rural watersheds often face diffuse pollution problems due to agricultural activities. In the Ic watershed in Brittany (France), nitrate concentrations in rivers frequently exceed the EUthreshold of 50 mg-NO3 L-1, despite various actions to reduce the impact from agriculture. As a result, other solutions are considered, such as mitigation systems that can prevent transfer of agricultural pollutants from cropland to the streams. Constructed wetlands have been shown to fit this aim, because they can reach significant N removal for water residence times above ~12 hours, can be implemented decentrally within rural watersheds, while meeting cost and policy requirements. However, constructed wetlands require space, which is particularly scarce and costly in intensively used agricultural watersheds. As a consequence, it was decided to test a more area-effective solution in three pilot systems. On the one hand land-use itself was optimized (i) at site 1 by placing two wetlands with same inflow and dimension on an area of minor agricultural value adjacent to a stream (one surface and one subsurface-flow, both 20 x 10 meters) and (ii) at site 2 by building an elongated infiltration wetland (45 x 2 meters) directly in an existing drainage ditch, thus preventing any use of agricultural surface. In both cases farmers agreed to the placement of the wetlands free of charge. On the other hand it was attempted to raise the areal removal efficiency, with a focus on denitrification, since nitrate is of most concern with inflow concentrations to the sites ranging between 30 and 66 mg-NO3 L-1. This increase in denitrification is attempted (a) by increasing the range of anoxic zones within the wetlands and (b) by adding carbon sources. For (a) one wetland at each site is filled with gravel with bottom outlets to enforce underground passage. Moreover saturation level within the infiltration wetlands and thus hydraulic retention time, can be controlled at drain outlets. For (b) organically rich soil is added to both wetlands at site 1 and carbon sources are mixed with the gravel at site 2. The three wetlands have been constructed in 2010 and are currently monitored for flow and water quality at inlets, as well as at surface and subsurface outlets. The monitoring will allow the calculation of substance mass balances for the entire rain season, expected from December 2010 to May 2011.

Caradot, N. , Sonnenberg, H. , Heinzmann, B. , von Seggern, D. , Matzinger, A. , Rouault, P. , Riechel, M. (2011): Application of online water quality sensors for integrated CSO impact assessment in Berlin (Gemany).

p 8 In: 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage. Porto Alegre, Brazil. 11-16 September 2011


During its passage through the City of Berlin (Germany), the quality of the River Spree is strongly influenced by combined sewer overflows (CSO), which lead to critical oxygen concentrations (DO) every year and to occasional larger fish kills. A continuous integrated monitoring concept, using state-of-the-art online sensors, was planned and started in spring 2010. It combines (i) continuous measurements of the quality and flow rates of CSO at one main CSO outlet downstream of the overflow structure and (ii) continuous measurements of water quality parameters at five sites within the urban stretch of the receiving River Spree. The first monitoring results show that continuous water quality measurements in CSO outlets and at downstream river stations are possible at high accuracy, even for comparably complex parameters such as chemical oygen demand (COD). Analysis of measured data confirms the significance of CSO discharges on receiving waters and underlines the value of continuous measurements in describing the local dynamics of the CSO and their impacts on water bodies.

Sonnenberg, H. , Pawlowsky-Reusing, E. , Caradot, N. , Toth, E. , Matzinger, A. , Rouault, P. , Riechel, M. (2011): Different methods of CSO identification in sewer systems and receiving waters.

p 8 In: 12th Intenational Conference on Urban Drainage. Porto Alegre, Brazil. 11-16 September 2011


During periods of heavy rainfall storm sewage volumes can exceed the capacity of combined sewer systems and overflow to surface water bodies. Combined sewer overflows (CSO) cause significant impacts on the water quality and their identification is crucial to plan CSO control programs or to fulfil legal requirements. This paper proposes and demonstrates six different methods to identify the occurrence of CSO based on information on the sewer system alone (methods 1 and 2), in combination with rain data (methods 3 and 4) or in combination with water quality data of the receiving surface water (methods 5 and 6). The methods provide different information on CSO, from occurrence to pollution load and impacts in receiving surface water. The methods introduced have all been applied to the Berlin urban water system. Based on these experiences they are compared considering the effort needed for their application, the required data and the obtained output. It is concluded that certainty of CSO identification can be increased by combining some of the presented methods.


Vier verschieden-konfigurierte Multigas-Sensorsysteme (Elektronische Nasen) sind Gegenstand von Versuchen an einer Kanalforschungsanlage der Berliner Wasserbetriebe. Die Systeme werden 6 Monate verschiedenen realitätsnahen Prozessbedingungen ausgesetzt, um im Anschluss eine Aussage zur Einsetzbarkeit der Systeme auf derzeitigem Stand der Technik im Geruchsmanagement von Abwasserkanalisationen machen zu können. Momentan ist kein Standard zum Test und zur Bewertung von solchen technischen Messsystemen unter Praxisbedingungen verfügbar. Daher wurde eine Methode entwickelt, die eine anwendungs- und innovationsorientierte Bewertung zulässt. Bewertungskriterien werden aufgestellt, orientiert an Verfahrenskenngrößen laut DIN EN ISO 9169 [3]. Die Kriterien werden an das Messkonzept der Elektronischen Nasen, sowie an die Versuchsbedingungen angepasst und erweitert. Das Versuchsprogramm ist so konzipiert, dass verschiedene Zielanwendungsfälle (wie z. B. die Planung einer Dosierstrategie mit geruchsreduzierenden Additiven) abgedeckt sind. Das Vorhaben wird zusammen mit den Berliner Wasserbetrieben und Veolia Wasser sowie in Kooperation mit evado-engineering durchgeführt.


Combined sewer overflows can lead to acute, critical conditions for aquatic organisms in receiving surface waters (Borchardt et al. 2007; FWR 1998; Harremoes et al. 1996; Krejci et al. 2004; Lammersen 1997). Based on the river type of the River Spree, CSO impacts of possible concern were identified to be high ammonia (NH3) and low dissolved oxygen concentrations (DO) (Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung 2001; Leszinski et al. 2007). For DO, existing continuous measurements from the River Spree from 2000 to 2007 were assessed in detail in the KWB report by Riechel (2009). However, Riechel (2009) neglected NH3 toxicity assessment, since no continuous NH3 measurements were available. The present report aims at filling this gap by estimating the potential for toxic NH3 concentrations in the River Spree with recent data. Based on stormwater impact guidelines for ammonia, critical total ammonium concentrations ([NH4,tot] = [NH4+] + [NH3]) were calculated and compared to continuous NH4,tot measurements in the Berlin River Spree. NH4,tot was measured i) at a heavily CSO impacted river stretch (year 2011) and ii) at a monitoring station several kilometres downstream of the combined sewer area (years 2010 and 2011). The analysis led to the following results: (i) Two years of continuous NH4,tot measurements showed clear increases in NH4,tot due to CSO but no occurrence of critical toxicity levels for cyprinid fish, according to Lammersen (1997) (ii) Maximal observed concentration of ~1.3 mg-N-NH4,tot l-1 was ~5 times smaller than the lowest existing threshold, which would need to be exceeded for 24 h to be considered as critical. The observed maximal concentration peak had a duration of only 3 h. The threshold, corresponding to the 3 h-duration would be even ~8 times higher than the observed ~1.3 mg-N-NH4,tot l-1. (iii) Ammonia toxicity would only be possible if maximal NH4,tot occurred during highest sensitivity of the river due to very high pH > 9. However, it was observed that pH drops significantly during CSO impacts due to low pH in rain water, which makes pH > 9 during CSO very unlikely. Given the results, the risk for ammonia toxicity due to CSO is judged as very low, particularly in comparison with regular problematic DO conditions after CSO events in summer.


Artificial groundwater recharge (AR) is used as semi-natural pre-treatment for drinking water production in Berlin and many other sites world-wide. Earlier research has focussed on the degradation of organic substances in these recharge systems (NASRI final reports 1 – 6), and has improved our knowledge of AR in the specific sites in Berlin. Nevertheless, a process understanding which might enable a transfer to other sites and boundary conditions is still lacking. Since biodegradation – which is assumed to be the main removal process of organic compounds – depends on the presence and activity of microorganisms, characterisation experiments with respect to biological activity will help to interpret results from soil column experiments simulating AR. In this stage of the OXIRED project, it will be of interest to link biological activity to degradation patterns in soil columns. Therefore, the following questions related to microorganisms could be necessary to answer: 1) How many are there? 2) How active are they? 3) Who is living there? A review of published literature yielded that in general, soils and sediments contain great numbers of microorganisms. Whereas in surface soils concentrations of culturable microorganisms can be found in the range of 108 per gram of dry soil, the number of culturable organisms in the subsurface are dependent on depth and are generally lower. In order to analyse them, adapted sampling methods and a sound sampling strategy are necessary for a reliable overview of microbial life. Another important aspect of microbial investigations is the detachment of organisms from biofilms for which enzymatic based methods have proven to be very useful. Different microbiological and biomolecular methods were described and assessed with respect to their suitability: 1) Cultivation: Since less than 1% of the microorganisms in natural environments can be cultured they will not be useful when one aims to get more insight into the microbial community. 2) Nucleic acid based techniques: Whereas DNA based primers can be used to detect specific species, general primers can be used to get a broad overview of the microbial life within a sample. Furthermore, active organisms can be detected by the use of RNA based primers. 3) Physiological technique: Microbial activity can be estimated indirectly based on AOC or BDOC measurements. To assess the micro-organisms present in soil columns and their activity the following methods are recommended: (i) Substrate degradation assessments by BDOC (or AOC) measurements (normally done in column studies) (ii) Direct counts (DAPI/ Acridine Orange) of direct extracted organisms and organisms present on buried slides. (iii) DGGE with universal primers (iv) qPCR (v) Direct counts with LIFE/DEAD staining and (vi) CTC redox dye o Clone libraries constructed from DGGE bands In addition to an extensive literature database of references for further details the results are summarized in a table with an overview of methods for detection, quantification and activity assessments of microbial communities in soils and sediments.

Kalka, H. , Nicolai, J. (2011): Reactive transport modeling. Deliverable 3.4.

Umwelt- und Ingenieurtechnik GmbH Dresden


The project OXIRED 2 started in January 2010 as a continuation of OXIRED 1. The project is guided by KompetenzZentrum Wasser Berlin (project leader Dr. G. Grützmacher); it is sponsored by Berliner Wasserbetriebe (BWB) and VEOLIA Eau. WP3 (Redox Control and Optimization at AR Ponds) consists of two main parts: (I) Laboratory column experiments with special emphasis on sediment characteristics (by TUB) and (II) Numerical modeling of the results of the TUB column experiments (by UIT). The present report belongs to Part II of WP3. In Berlin, around 70 % of abstracted groundwater originates from riverbank filtration and artificial recharge (AR). During percolation and subsurface passage the quality of the infiltrated water improves due to physical filtration, sorption and biodegradation. Biodegradation is a major driver for redox zonation and so it is highly influenced by redox conditions, too. The main purpose of WP3 is to investigate these processes in column experiments including its numerical simulation.


In the 2nd phase of the project (OXIRED 2), trials at lab and technical scale were conducted to validate the results for trace organic and DOC removal from OXIRED 1 and to gain a more reliable knowledge about oxidation by-product formation for surface water from Berlin. To assess the stability of the process, a pilot unit was operated at Lake Tegel. Moreover the effect of oxidation + MAR on toxicological parameters was investigated (s. D 1.1). To prepare a field study three sites in Germany were evaluated regarding their suitability including parameters such as aquifer depth and composition, source water quality and possibility of authorization (s. D 2.1). The results were that none of the sites (Hobrechtsfelde, Braunschweig WWTP or artificial recharge site in Görlitz) was identified as suitable. The current state-of-the-art for influencing the redox zonation in the subsurface was reviewed (D 3.1) and the options to assess the quantity, composition and activity of the microbial population in the soil samples were summarized (D 2.2). To investigate the dynamic of redox processes, short term column tests were conducted (D 3.2). On the basis of these results reactive flow and transport modelling was carried out (D 3.2 and 3.3). The aim of this report is to give a summary of the main results from OXIRED 2 and to identify promising opportunities for further experiments and transfer to field scale.

Wiedner, C. (2011): Development of Toxic Nostocales (Cyanobacteria) in the Course of Declining Trophic State and Global Warming - NOSTOTOX Final Report.

Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus - Senftenberg, Umweltbundesamt


Cyanobacteria of the order Nostocales – native species as well as alien species from tropical regions – were found to increase in many Brandenburg lakes while the formerly dominating microcystin (MC) producing cyanobacteria (Microcystis and Planktothrix) occurred less often and in lower amounts. As a consequence, lower MC concentrations were observed while the toxin cylindrospermopsin (CYN) that is produced by Nostocales was found to be widely distributed and to exceed sometimes the recommended guideline value for drinking-water of 1 µg L-1. Recent data on the occurrence of further neurotoxins (paralytic shellfish poisoningtoxin, PSP and anatoxin, ATX) produced by cyanobacteria of the order Nostocales did not exist. Nostocales are superior competitors under conditions of high light intensity and nitrogen depletion because they can fix molecular nitrogen. Their germination is regulated by temperature and the temporal starting point of the pelagic population determines the population size (the earlier the larger). Therefore, the following working hypothesis has been put forward: Combined effects of declining trophic state and global warming favor the development of Nostocales and cause a shift in the species composition as well as in the occurrences of cyanobacterial toxins. The NOSTOTOX project aimed to determine the present occurrence and future development of Nostocales and their toxins in waterbodies. Special emphasis was paid to answer the question, which Nostocales species and which toxins can be expected under conditions of a proceeding decline in trophic state and increasing water temperature. The outcome of the project aims to contribute to developing recommendations and guidelines for the management of inland waters and drinking water supplies.


The redox environment is of utmost importance for the removal of organic compounds during artificial recharge. Within the research project OXIRED-2 five laboratory sand column experiments with natural sediments from the Lake Tegel infiltration pond and with microsieved surface water from Lake Tegel (Berlin) were performed to study the possibility to control the redox environment. Special emphasis was given to the sediments, the set-up of the column experiments, and the contact time within the column. The sediment was used either untreated or heated to 200°C or 550°C to study the effect of activation of organic carbon at 200°C and the effect of at least partial removal of natural organic carbon at 550°C. Additionally, an artificially produced iron coated sand was used for a two-layer experiment to increase the residence time of compounds susceptible to sorption within a given redox zone. Results reveal an immediate decrease of oxygen content at the outflow of the column in every experiment. Likewise, the redox potential also dropped significantly and immediately after the experiments started. However, the redox potential was significantly lower (approximately – 200 mV) in the experiments with the untreated or slightly heated sediments, and higher (about + 300 mV) for the experiment with the sediment heated up to 550°C. The redox zones known in natural environments developed also within the experiments even down to sulfate reduction at experiment No. 2. Ozonation of the influent water did not change the redox environment at the outflow of the column indicating a high reduction capacity of the natural sediment in the column within the duration of the experiments of up to 19 days. A constant input of ozone and an extended duration of the experiments might lead to a depletion of organic carbon in the sand column which could increase the redox potential. However, a complete depletion of organic carbon is very unlikely for managed aquifer recharge systems. The two-layer experiment with natural sand and artificially produced iron coated sands revealed that the iron coated sands had no influence on the redox system and only slight effect on the transport of ions. However, combining layers with different functionality might show great opportunities for designing and controlling redox systems especially with specific residence times in different redox zones for certain compounds in mind.

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