
In 2020, the European Union published ordinance EU 2020/741, establishing minimum requirements for water reuse in agriculture. The ordinance differentiates between several water quality classes. For the highest water quality class (Class A), the ordinance mandates analytical validation of the treatment performance of new water reuse treatment plants (WRTP) related to the removal of microbial indicators for viral, bacterial, and parasitic pathogens. While the ordinance clearly defines the numeric target values for the required log10-reduction values (LRV), it provides limited to no guidance on the necessary sample sizes and statistical evaluation approaches. The main requirement is that at least 90 % of the validation samples should meet the requirements. However, the interpretation of this 90 % validation target can significantly impact the required sample size, efforts necessary, and the risk of misclassifying WRTPs in practice. The present study compares different statistical evaluation approaches that might be considered applicable for LRV validation monitoring. Special emphasis is placed on the use of tolerance intervals, which combine percentile estimations with sample size-based uncertainty and confidence regions. Tolerance interval-based approaches are compared with alternative methods, including a) a binomial evaluation and b) the calculation of empirical percentiles. The latter are already used in existing European and U.S. regulations for bathing water and irrigation water quality.


Short-term fecal pollution events are a major challenge for managing microbial safety at recreational waters. Long turn-over times of current laboratory methods for analyzing fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) delay water quality assessments. Data-driven models have been shown to be valuable approaches to enable fast water quality assessments. However, a major barrier towards the wider use of such models is the prevalent data scarcity at existing bathing waters, which questions the representativeness and thus usefulness of such datasets for model training. The present study explores the ability of five data-driven modelling approaches to predict short-term fecal pollution episodes at recreational bathing locations under data scarce situations and imbalanced datasets. The study explicitly focuses on the potential benefits of adopting an innovative modeling and risk-based assessment approach, based on state/cluster-based Bayesian updating of FIB distributions in relation to different hydrological states. The models are benchmarked against commonly applied supervised learning approaches, particularly linear regression, and random forests, as well as to a zero-model which closely resembles the current way of classifying bathing water quality in the European Union. For model-based clustering we apply a non-parametric Bayesian approach based on a Dirichlet Process Mixture Model. The study tests and demonstrates the proposed approaches at three river bathing locations in Germany, known to be influenced by short-term pollution events. At each river two modelling experiments (“longest dry period”, “sequential model training”) are performed to explore how the different modelling approaches react and adapt to scarce and uninformative training data, i.e., datasets that do not include event pollution information in terms of elevated FIB concentrations. We demonstrate that it is especially the proposed Bayesian approaches that are able to raise correct warnings in such situations (> 90 % true positive rate). The zero-model and random forest are shown to be unable to predict contamination episodes if pollution episodes are not present in the training data. Our research shows that the investigated Bayesian approaches reduce the risk of missed pollution events, thereby improving bathing water safety management. Additionally, the approaches provide a transparent solution for setting minimum data quality requirements under various conditions. The proposed approaches open the way for developing data-driven models for bathing water quality prediction against the reality that data scarcity is common problem at existing and prospective bathing waters.

Miehe, U. , Stapf, M. , Seis, W. (2023): Water reuse in agriculture: Exploiting synergies with the German national micropollutant strategy.

Water Reuse Europe. Agricultural water reuse in Europe: status, challenges and opportunities for further growth. Webinar 2023

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