
Currently, there is uncertainty about emissions of pharmaceuticals into larger closed ecosystems that are at risk such as the Baltic Sea. There is an increasing need for selecting the right strategies on advanced wastewater treatment. This study analysed 35 pharmaceuticals and iodinated X-ray contrast media in effluents from 82 Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) across Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden. Measured concentrations from Finland and Denmark were compared to predicted effluent concentrations using different levels of refinement. The concentrations predicted by the Total Residue Approach, as proposed by the European Medicines Agency, correlated with R(2) of 0.18 and 0.031 to measured ones for Denmark and Finland, respectively and the predicted data were significantly higher than the measured ones. These correlations improved substantially to R(2) of 0.72 and 0.74 after adjusting for estimated human excretion rates and further to R(2) = 0.91 and 0.78 with the inclusion of removal rates in WWTPs. Temporal analysis of compound variations in a closely monitored WWTP showed minimal fluctuation over days and weeks for most compounds but revealed weekly shifts in iodinated X-ray contrast media due to emergency-only operations at X-ray clinics during weekends and an abrupt seasonal change for gabapentin. The findings underscore the limitations of current predictive models and findings (...) demonstrate how these methodologies can be refined by incorporating human pharmaceutical excretion/metabolization as well as removal in wastewater treatment plants to more accurately forecast pharmaceutical levels in aquatic environments.


Die Partnerländer Schweden, Dänemark, Litauen, Lettland, Polen und Deutschland integrieren in WaterMan die Wasserwiederverwendung als ein neues Element des Wassermanagements, pilotieren Anwendungsbeispiele und bauen umfangreiche Kapazitäten auf lokaler Ebene auf.


Addressing Europe's current challenges of aging sewer networks, the presented research focuses on the uncertainties in service life and aging behavior of the most used renovation technique, Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) lining. Examining its aging behavior, common defects and deficiencies were analyzed through literature review and expert interviews. The findings influenced the proposition of a calibration setting for a deterioration model using survival curves. Identified defects stress the need for precise installation and curing processes. The study recommends a thorough review of the initially specified 50-year service life, acknowledging uncertainties during the installation process.


Extending the AI-driven Software SEMAplus with a risk prioritization module.

Selection and analysis of risk criteria as preliminary part of decision making.

Analysis of multicriteria decision approaches and choice of ELECTRE TRI.

Zamzow, M. , Bastin, L. , Matzinger, A. (2024): Satellite data for monitoring and management support of small lake water quality.

16th ICUD - International Conference on Urban Drainage, 9.-14. Jun 2024, Delft, Netherlands



  • High correlation between seasonally aggregated Sentinel-2 Data and lake trophic states.

  • Automatable single pixel time series analysis.

  • Seasonal ranking of lake water quality.

Remy, C. , Gnirß, R. (2024): Methodische Ansätze für Scope 3 der Treibhausgasbilanz bei den Berliner Wasserbetrieben.

Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Instituts Siedlungswasserwirtschaft der RWTH Aachen; 57. Essener Tagung, Essen, Germany


Der Klimawandel stellt die Wasserwirtschaft vor immer größere Herausforderungen, insbesondere in West- und Südeuropa aufgrund lang anhaltender Dürren. Wie Abwasser im Sinne der Kreislaufwirtschaft als Ressource genutzt werden kann, zeigt ein Unternehmen aus Lleida.



  • The open source model ABIMO allows for a simple calculation of the urban water balance.

  • The deviation from the annual natural water balance can be used to detect hotspots for WSUD.

  • Transferability of ABIMO is currently tested between the German cities of Berlin and Cologne.

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