Kleyböcker, A. , Kraus, F. , Meyer, S. , Heinze, J. , Gromadecki, F. , Remy, C. (2024): Full-scale nutrient recovery at a municipal wastewater treatment plant producing struvite and ammonium sulfate solution.

The IWA 2024 Conference on the Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants, Budapest, Hungary


An innovative circular economy (CE) system was implemented at the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Brunswick. The performance of the CE system was evaluated for 4 years: the thermal pressure hydrolysis enhanced the methane production by 18% and increased the digestate dewaterability by 14%. Refractory COD formed in thermal hydrolysis and increased the COD concentration in the WWTP effluent by 4 mg L−1 while still complying with the legal threshold. Struvite production reached high phosphorus recovery rates of >80% with a Mg:P molar ratio ≥0.8. Nitrogen was successfully recovered as ammonium sulfate with high recovery rates of 85–97%. The chemical analyses of secondary fertilizers showed a low pollutant content, posing low risks to soil and groundwater ecosystems. The total carbon footprint of the WWTP decreased due to enhanced biogas production, the recovery of renewable fertilizers and a further reduction of nitrous oxide emissions. Using green energy will be crucial to reach carbon neutrality for the entire WWTP.

Stapf, M. , Heinze, J. , Gebhardt, J. , Nacharias, N. , Hermes, N. (2023): Wasserwiederverwendung in der Landwirtschaft. Synergien mit nationaler Spurenstoffstrategie nutzen.

Spurenstoffe und Krankheitserreger im Wasserkreislauf, 27.-28.03.2023. Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland


As a potential solution to better use water-embedded resources, the transition to circular water systems and services requires technology-focused approaches that can enhance a positive reception by organizations in the public, business and government sectors. NextGen focuses on water, energy and nutrients/material cycles in the water and wastewater sector to make them economically and environmentally attractive. This report addresses new approaches and best practices for closing the energy cycle in the water sector. Five NextGen case studies developed and demonstrated a wide range of innovative energy recovery technologies/approaches: Athens (EL), Filton Airfield (UK), Braunschweig (DE), Spernal (UK) and Westland (NL).

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