Kalka, H. , Nicolai, J. (2011): Reactive transport modeling. Deliverable 3.4.

Umwelt- und Ingenieurtechnik GmbH Dresden


The project OXIRED 2 started in January 2010 as a continuation of OXIRED 1. The project is guided by KompetenzZentrum Wasser Berlin (project leader Dr. G. Grützmacher); it is sponsored by Berliner Wasserbetriebe (BWB) and VEOLIA Eau. WP3 (Redox Control and Optimization at AR Ponds) consists of two main parts: (I) Laboratory column experiments with special emphasis on sediment characteristics (by TUB) and (II) Numerical modeling of the results of the TUB column experiments (by UIT). The present report belongs to Part II of WP3. In Berlin, around 70 % of abstracted groundwater originates from riverbank filtration and artificial recharge (AR). During percolation and subsurface passage the quality of the infiltrated water improves due to physical filtration, sorption and biodegradation. Biodegradation is a major driver for redox zonation and so it is highly influenced by redox conditions, too. The main purpose of WP3 is to investigate these processes in column experiments including its numerical simulation.

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