
As part of their communication activities, multi-actor approach projects are required to produce short “practice abstracts” (PAs) which outline their plans and main findings. The information should be easy understandable and provided throughout the project’s life-cycle. This information must therefore be shared in a specific format (the “EIP Common format”) which is specially made so that project info and results can be shared with those who can apply the findings. The format includes: a short and understandable title, a succinct summary of the issue tackled and the main outcomes and recommendations produced, and contact details to find further information. The content of the submitted practice abstracts can be updated at any moment according to new findings.


General methodology of Life Cycle Assessment that will be used to assess the environmental evaluation of each case study. This includes the description of the used methods and tools, as well as information that applies for all studied systems. The document also comprises the methodological approach, the interpretation concept and specific assumptions for the innovative production strategies assessed within the CS of Circular Agronomics. All studied systems are described in detail and a brief overview over the further steps of the environmental assessment, including data collection and calculations is given.


Objectives: (i) To ensure that knowledge developed during the project is properly captured and dissemination is effectively targeted and carried out systematically (ii) To promote a continuous knowledge exchange and transfer for project outcomes with interested stakeholders beyond the consortium (iii) To formulate fact based policy recommendations that stimulate the transition towards a circular economy (iv) To create public awareness concerning the need for a circular economy and the actions required to move towards its realisation


The Implementation Plan (D2.1) is a document, which outlines how and where different digital solutions for water infrastructures will be demonstrated and assessed in the scope of WP2 of the DWC project. It is the first of three deliverables and followed by demonstration and assessment of performance and return of investment by means of key performance indicators (KPI) also defined in this deliverable. ; Version (v0.1.0) submitted to EC.

Remy, C. (2020): Bewertung der Umweltauswirkungen von Kläranlagen mit Ökobilanzen/LCA.

In: ÖWAV-Seminar Kapazitätserweiterung von Kläranlagen, 26.-27.02.2020. Wien


Die Ökobilanz nach ISO 14040 kann die globalen Umweltwirkungen von Kläranlagen umfassend bewerten. Dabei werden durch die Lebenszyklusperspektive alle relevanten direkten und indirekten Umweltwirkungen über ein Stoffstrommodell erfasst und mit verschiedenen Indikatoren nachvollziehbar bewertet. Der Beitrag beschreibt das schrittweise Vorgehen bei einer Ökobilanz und zeigt anhand von Beispielen mögliche Anwendungsfelder und Ergebnisse auf.


Organische Spurenstoffe wie Rückstände von Arzneimitteln oder Kosmetika können auf Wasserlebewesen bereits in geringen Konzentrationen negative Auswirkungen haben [1]. In der Schweiz werden bis 2040 ausgewählte Abwasserreinigungsanlagen (ARA) mit Reinigungsstufen zur Spurenstoffelimination ausgerüstet. Heute sind bereits auf zehn Kläranlagen die neuen Reinigungsstufen in Betrieb. Für diesen ARA-Ausbau eignen sich Verfahren mit Ozon, Pulverkohle (PAK) oder granulierter Aktivkohle (GAK) [2]. Die Belastung der Gewässer durch organische Spurenstoffe geht dadurch deutlich zurück, was zu einer Verbesserung der Wasserqualität führt [1, 3]. Der Nutzen dieser Reinigungsstufen ist somit unbestritten. Deren Betrieb benötigt aber zusätzliche Betriebsmittel, was wiederum Treibhausgasemissionen und andere Umweltauswirkungen verursacht. ARA tragen nur im tiefen Prozentbereich zu den gesamten Schweizer Treibhausgasemissionen bei, und die Spurenstoffelimination ist lediglich eine von mehreren Reinigungsstufen. Dennoch sollten die mit dem Betrieb dieser zusätzlichen Reinigungsstufen verbundenen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt möglichst gering ausfallen. Der vorliegende Artikel verdeutlicht, welche Faktoren stark zum CO2-Fussabdruck der verschiedenen Verfahren auf Schweizer Kläranlagen beitragen. Dieses Wissen kann bei der Planung und hauptsächlich bei der Betriebsoptimierung von Reinigungsstufen zur Spurenstoffelimination unterstützen. Viele CO2-sparende Massnahmen führen auch dazu, dass die Kosten für Betriebsmittel und Strom sinken. Klimafreundlicher Gewässerschutz kann sich also auch aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht lohnen.


This report analyses a number of processes for material recovery at municipal wastewater treatment plants in their environmental impacts. Based on the method of Life Cycle Assessment, the analysis shows that material recovery can yield environmental benefits by reducing primary energy demand and related greenhouse gas emissions during operation. This is mainly due to operational savings in energy, chemicals or sludge amount which come in association with material recovery. Product quality assessment for potential contamination showed no unacceptable risks for human health or ecosystems during the application and use of recovered materials.

Remy, C. , Conzelmann, L. (2020): D6.4: Marketing campaign support material.

Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH


Proper marketing of the SMARTechs and related products or services from the EU innovation action is crucial to enable a successful commercial exploitation of the project outputs. To help the project partners and product owners with this task, the project consortium decided to develop marketing support material for each technology, service or product developed and demonstrated in the action. This report contains 13 informative flyers for marketing purposes, which support the targeted communication towards key stakeholders in this sector. The two-page flyers include information on the challenge and goal of the process, service or product together with a graphical representation, a list of unique selling points and contact information of the respective partners. The uniform design generates a high memorability and a close association to the SMART-PLANT innovation action and provides professional marketing material for the targeted end-users such as wastewater treatment plant operators and managers or other professionals in this field.

Pan, Z. (2020): Assessment of N2O emissions from an SBR plant with aerobic granular sludge technology on pilot scale.

Master Thesis. FG Siedlungswasserwirtschaft. Technische Universität Berlin


Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are evolving towards a more sustainable manner, by which not only the effluent quality and operational costs but also the greenhouse gases (GHG) potential is incorporated into the assessment inventory. GHG emissions from the WWTPs include CH4, CO2 and N2O, of which the N2O is of special interest due to 265-fold CO2-equivalent. Thus, even a low amount of N2O is undesired. Aerobic granular sludge (AGS) is a promising biological nutrient removal technology due to considerable structural and microbiological distinctions compared with conventional activated sludge (CAS) flocs, leading to huge improvements of carbon footprint saving. Nevertheless, the N2O formation from the AGS reactor is likely higher than that from the CAS, in terms of sequence batch reactor (SBR) configuration and inherent complex mechanism. In addition, there wasn’t any long-term monitoring campaign on the AGS reactor focusing on N2O emissions so far.This study focusses on a N2O emission online monitoring campaign, which was carried out in a Nereda® AGS reactor treating domestic wastewater from the Berlin region, lasted more than 6 months, including two different phases, namely feeding with pre-treated and raw wastewater after aerated sand trap and 2mm sieve box. The off-gas was sucked from the top of the SBR reactor and measured with online gas analyzer. Then the emission factor (EF) was calculated based on the correlated influent nitrogen load, which was converted from the influent NH4-N concentration by fixed ratio of 0.8. During the first phase, the EF was equal to 2.97%, while during the second phase, the EF was equal to 4.52%. Generally, the EF calculated in terms of both phases was 3.71%. Compared with other long-term campaigns based on CAS and SBR processes, higher GHG potentials could be induced, which also challenges the predominance of the AGS reactors from the perspective of minimizing GHG when only considering the energy consumption into scope. In-depth analysis indicated that the hydroxylamine oxidation pathway was the most likely over the monitoring course and EF calculated during main aeration incorporate negligible fraction of N2O produced from the pre-denitrification phase. Correlation test combining two specific time frames showed the moderate positive correlation between temperature and EF, which was in contrast to what has been assumed before but coincided with the inference from the micro-level analysis of our study. The weak negative correlation ship of COD/N ratio and EF was reported for each individual phase. Due to the insignificant impact from pre-denitrification and exclusion of the post-denitrification phase, it could not be considered as reliable. In terms of narrow range of DO and no accumulation of nitrite, the weak negative correlation ship of DO and EF could not infer to any further conclusion. In addition, it should be noted that some uncertainties may distract the reliability of our results. High resolution online measurement should be applied for the determination of off-gas flow, COD and TNb concentration, instead of correlation method or infrequent laboratory analysis. The detection of dissolved N2O along the course are needed to provide more insights about the N2O formation during the process and to distinguish the contribution between aerated phase and non-aeration phase. At last, more frequent monitoring of the significant precursor nitrite and hydroxylamine is demanded to figure out the dominant pathway for AGS reactors.


Während der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte ist ausgehend von einer zunächst naturwissenschaftlichtechnisch orientierten Umweltforschung eine stärker inter- und transdisziplinäre Nachhaltigkeitsforschung entstanden, welche die Beziehungen zwischen Menschen, Gesellschaft und Natur und die dabei feststellbaren krisenhaften Entwicklungen zu ihrem Gegenstand gemacht hat. In diesem fächerübergreifenden Forschungsfeld entstanden unterschiedliche konzeptionelle Ansätze für die systemische Analyse und das Management von Mensch-Umwelt-Systemen. Insbesondere im anglo-amerikanischen Sprachraum und in Skandinavien wurden verschiedene Konzeptionen von Resilienz entwickelt. Im Folgenden werden deren Potenziale diskutiert und für den Einsatz in der sozial-ökologischen Stadt- und Infrastrukturforschung mit anderen integrativen Konzepten wie Klimagerechtigkeit verglichen.

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