The ENREM project aims at demonstrating a novel wastewater treatment process based on the technology of membrane bioreactor (MBR), set up in a configuration to enable enhanced biological elimination of nutrients. A new plant, and the related sewer system, was built in a unsewered periurban area of Berlin. The plant is to be operated over more than one year, and the process to be optimised. Performances and costs of the treatment system will be then assessed for the size 250 – 10,000pe, corresponding to semi-central schemes. The plant was started on 28 February 2006 with 8 month delay on the program identified in the LIFE proposal. As a consequence, a project extension request of 8 months will be lodged, in order to match the initial duration of 18 months for the optimisation, evaluation and dissemination phase. This delay incidentally caused also a 6 month delay for the preparation of this Interim Report. Despite these aspects, the management of the project has been achieved according to the organisation identified in the LIFE proposal. Annex 7.1 presents and discusses the key deliverables and milestones depending on the LIFE proposal and the current status. In relation to the technical content, Task 2 “Site and process definition” and Task 4 “Detailed design” were completed early 2005. Task 3 “Preliminary testing on representative site” was completed in September 2005 and enabled to validate the design, operation and start-up criteria of the MBR demonstration plant. The public tenders for the construction of the sewer network and the MBR container unit occurred during the first semester of 2005, and the construction of the scheme was completed by end 2006. In parallel, the required legal permits were acquired (for plant construction & operation, water discharge), as well as the parcel hosting the treatment unit. A relationship with the inhabitants of Margaretenhöhe was maintained in order to ensure a smooth construction phase, and a quick connection to the new sewer system. The dissemination activities covered several communication vectors (Tri-lingual website, press-release and articles and bi-lingual KWB Newsletter, local press, scientific press, plant visits and inauguration, communication material etc). The project results will be widely communicated in the national and international medien, and a final project workshop will be organised in June 2007. The main task in 2006 will be the operation, optimisation and technical / economical evaluation of the low sewer system and the MBR demonstration plant. So far, the budget is generally in line with the expectations, or slightly below. The project finances allow the project extension of 8 months, required to achieve all announced technical outcomes of the project. After the 8 month extension the final project budget is expected to remain about 20% below the planned proposal, i.e. approx. € 600,000 savings on the total budget should be recorded, corresponding to a subvention reduction of approx. € 100,000 (also close to 20% reduction).