
Smart water management is acknowledged as a key component of the solutions to address climate change impact and secure water resources availabilities in the context of Sustainable Development Goals. Over the last decades, digital solutions have become an essential part of water management. Numerous initiatives have been developed to explore hybrid and new AI modeling with concrete approaches such as digital twins. The ambition is to provide water managers with tailored IT solutions that can be implemented in their current management system. These developments raise a wide range of questions in terms of sensors’ approach, interoperable open data models, reference architecture, and cybersecurity that are presented in this chapter. Additionally, IT innovation, as groundbreaking as it may be, requires additional dimensions such as governance, capacity building, and economics to ensure its adoption by water managers. These aspects are also presented in the latest sections of this chapter.


This policy brief provides an overview of current gaps in the EU legislative framework that hinder the realization of the benefits of digitalisation in the water sector and offers concrete recommendations on how to overcome them. It builds on the findings of five Horizon 2020 projects that address different aspects of digitalisation in the water sector and jointly form the DigitalWater2020 (DW2020) synergy group:, ScoreWater, Fiware4Water, NAIADES and aqua3s. All five projects are the active members of the ICT4Water cluster. This policy brief highlights that digital solutions and innovations are needed to ensure sustainable and cost-efficient water management that can tackle challenges such as climate change, pollution and depletion of water resources and cyber threats. Currently, digital solutions are not sufficiently integrated into EU water policies. EU policies are missing a coherent terminology and clear definitions of digitalisation in the water sector. At the same time, they have different targets and different target audiences. As a result, users of water services and even providers of digital services in the water sector often either do not know or do not understand the relevant water policies. Another hindering factor for the full use of the potential of digitalisation in the water sector is the lack of technology guidance and standards for monitoring. Currently, EU and municipal policy makers must make fundamental decisions on future investments in the water sector. These decisions should be guided by EU policies that enable the Twin Transition (digital and green transition) in the EU water sector, making the EU a sustainable and climate-proof industry leader. As Next Generation Internet Technology (NGI) becomes more affordable (e.g. IoT, Blockchain, augmented reality, etc), different use cases in the water sector need to be better understood and adopted. EU policies should better harness the potential of digital solutions. Common shortcomings are related to digital infrastructure and security, integration, standardisation, data sharing, and public involvement. Policy makers must recognise the importance of digitalising the water sector to dramatically advance the management of water. New digital solutions may improve the transparency and efficiency of decision-making within Integrated Water Resources Management. Digital data can make policies more tangible, understandable, and widely accepted.


This document contains the synergies and common activities of five H2020 projects that started in the summer of 2019: The five projects are, Score Water, Fiware4Water, Naiades and aqua3S. The first four were funded by the SC5-11-2018 call and the latter by the H2020-SU-SEC-2018-DRS-03. All these five projects have a common theme: Digital Water, with a variety of case studies and approaches, but also with several similarities in challenges, scope and goals.
Following a suggestion by EASME that supervises the SC5-11-2018 projects, the synergies and clustering activities were included in the Grant Agreement of each project, resulting in the contractual obligation to report about them in a common deliverable (this document). Thus a Synergy group was born: DigitalWater2020 (DW2020).

DW2020 is organised along four thematic areas/task forces:

Task Force 1: Ontologies,

Task Force 2: Sensors demonstration,

Task Force 3: Business models and

Task Force 4: Communication,

each with its own task force leader.

Additionally a fifth task force (Task Force 0: Management) has been created, to coordinate the efforts and activities overall.
This document is the first DW2020 report, in common for all the projects, describing their synergies and cooperation, which started early in 2020 and is scheduled to continue until the end of the projects (and hopefully beyond). It contains a brief presentation of each project, details about the structure and activities of each Task Force, as well the planned events for 2020-21 and the next steps. So far the synergies and cooperation among these five projects has been very successful. It gave to all the chance to interact, to exchange knowledge, to cooperate for specific challenges and to help each other. We are already discussing future steps that will lead to DW2020 being “alive” after the end of the five projects.

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