
Extending the AI-driven Software SEMAplus with a risk prioritization module.

Selection and analysis of risk criteria as preliminary part of decision making.

Analysis of multicriteria decision approaches and choice of ELECTRE TRI.



  • The open source model ABIMO allows for a simple calculation of the urban water balance.

  • The deviation from the annual natural water balance can be used to detect hotspots for WSUD.

  • Transferability of ABIMO is currently tested between the German cities of Berlin and Cologne.


German: In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich die Datenlage zum Zustand der Abwasserkanalisation und zur Wirkung unterschiedlicher Sanierungsverfahren stetig verbessert. Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen wurden durch das Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin und die Berliner Wasserbetriebe Prognosemodelle zur Bewertung unterschiedlicher Sanierungsszenarien sowie zur Lokalisierung schadhafter Kanäle entwickelt. Die vorliegende Studie zeigt den Weg von Bestands- und Zustandsdaten des Kanalnetzes zu einem an die lokalen Randbedingungen angepassten Simulationswerkzeug für die strategische Kanalsanierungsplanung. Dabei werden Methoden zur modellgestützten Ergänzung von Datenlücken sowie die entwickelten Modellkomponenten für Kanalalterung und -sanierung vorgestellt. Darüber hinaus werden Ergebnisse ausgewählter Sanierungsszenarien und die wichtigsten Prognoseunsicherheiten diskutiert. Der entwickelte Ansatz unterstützt die Kanalsanierungs- und Investitionsplanung von Kommunen und hilft, den Zustand der Abwasserinfrastruktur langfristig zu erhalten oder zu verbessern.


The main aim of this study was a survey of micropollutants in stormwater runoff of Berlin (Germany) and its dependence on land-use types. In a one-year monitoring program, event mean concentrations were measured for a set of 106 parameters, including 85 organic micropollutants (e.g., flame retardants, phthalates, pesticides/biocides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)), heavy metals and standard parameters. Monitoring points were selected in five catchments of different urban land-use types, and at one urban river. We detected 77 of the 106 parameters at least once in stormwater runoff of the investigated catchment types. On average, stormwater runoff con-tained a mix of 24 µg L-1 organic micropollutants and 1.3 mg L-1 heavy metals. For organic micropol-lutants, concentrations were highest in all catchments for the plasticizer diisodecyl phthalate. Concentrations of all but five parameters showed significant differences among the five land-use types. While major roads were the dominant source of traffic-related substances such as PAH, each of the other land-use types showed the highest concentrations for some substances (e.g., flame retardants in commercial area, pesticides in catchment dominated by one family homes). Comparison with environmental quality standards (EQS) for surface waters shows that 13 micropollutants in storm-water runoff and 8 micropollutants in the receiving river exceeded German quality standards for receiving surface waters during storm events, highlighting the relevance of stormwater inputs for urban surface waters. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

Riechel, M. , Caradot, N. , Sonnenberg, H. , Rouault, P. (2019): Handling biased and incomplete sewer asset data for deterioration modelling.

In: 6th European workshop on sewer asset management EURO-SAM. Delft, Netherlands. 18-19 June 2019

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