
Die Rückgewinnung von Cellulose mit dem Cellvation-Prozess verbessert die Umweltbilanz einer Kläranlage (KA) und senkt ihren Ausstoß an Treibhausgasen um 15 %. Dies wird vor allem durch betriebliche Vorteile auf der KA wie Senkung des Stromverbrauchs für die Belüftung und weniger Überschussschlammproduktion erreicht. Darüber hinaus kann die rückgewonnene Cellulose (Recell*) als Strukturmaterial andere Rohstoffe in bestimmten Produktionsprozessen ersetzen. Im EU-Projekt SMART-Plant konnte neben der zuverlässigen Leistung des Cellvation-Prozesses auch der Umweltvorteil erfolgreich demonstriert werden.


This report analyses a number of processes for material recovery at municipal wastewater treatment plants in their environmental impacts. Based on the method of Life Cycle Assessment, the analysis shows that material recovery can yield environmental benefits by reducing primary energy demand and related greenhouse gas emissions during operation. This is mainly due to operational savings in energy, chemicals or sludge amount which come in association with material recovery. Product quality assessment for potential contamination showed no unacceptable risks for human health or ecosystems during the application and use of recovered materials.

Remy, C. , Conzelmann, L. (2020): D6.4: Marketing campaign support material.

Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH


Proper marketing of the SMARTechs and related products or services from the EU innovation action is crucial to enable a successful commercial exploitation of the project outputs. To help the project partners and product owners with this task, the project consortium decided to develop marketing support material for each technology, service or product developed and demonstrated in the action. This report contains 13 informative flyers for marketing purposes, which support the targeted communication towards key stakeholders in this sector. The two-page flyers include information on the challenge and goal of the process, service or product together with a graphical representation, a list of unique selling points and contact information of the respective partners. The uniform design generates a high memorability and a close association to the SMART-PLANT innovation action and provides professional marketing material for the targeted end-users such as wastewater treatment plant operators and managers or other professionals in this field.

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