
Die Modellierung der biogeochemischen Prozesse im Sediment mittels QSim (2.3.1) sollte durch den Aufbau eines vereinfachten, prozessbasierten Modellansatzes optimiert werden. Konkret sollte die Weiterentwicklung des Sedimentmoduls SEDFLUX des Gewässergütemodells QSim unterstützt werden, indem die Abbildung des Stickstoffumsatzes im Sediment unter verschiedenen Intensitäten vertikaler Advektion untersucht wird. Diese Arbeiten stellen eine konzeptuelle Prüfung („proof-ofconcept“) der im Kapitel 2.3.1 abgeleiteten Hypothesen zum Austausch zwischen Wasser und Sediment dar, sowie ihrer Effekte auf den Stoffumsatz in diesem Kompartiment. Die Modellergebnisse werden mit Hilfe von Vertikalprofilmessungen plausibilisiert. Die Nutzung vereinfachter Modellansätze ermöglicht die Untersuchung einzelner Prozesse sowie eine schnelle Anwendung auf verschiedene Gewässer. Als Simulationsumgebung wird das frei verfügbare Softwarepaket R-ecosim genutzt (Reichert 2014).

Herrmann, L. (2016): Ressourcenschonende Abwasserbehandlung im ländlichen Raum - Prüfung der Rahmenbedingungen für die technische Umsetzbarkeit eines energieeffizienteren Behandlungskonzeptes.

Master Thesis. Fakultät für Umweltwissenschaften, Institut für Siedlungs- und Industriewasserwirtschaft. Technische Universität Dresden


The aim of this master thesis was to investigate the transferability of the innovative treatment concept CARISMO on a full-scale wastewater treatment plant in a rural area. The idea of CARISMO is integrated in the EU-funded research project Powerstep and focuses on an increased separation of solid substances and their use for energy production with digestion. In the course of this work, principles and conditions for the change of occupancy were determined. Furthermore, preliminary tests were carried out to analyse the wastewater characteristics and the necessary resources for the projected flocculation and filtration stage. The technical feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the treatment concept has been shown with balances of material flows, energy and costs.

Kabbe, C. (2016): Nutrient recovery 2.0.

Water & Wastewater International 31

Kabbe, C. (2016): Circular economy - challenges and opportunities for phosphorus recycling.

In: 8th International Phosphorus Workshop. Rostock, Germany. 12.09. –16.09. 2016

Rustler, M. , Sonnenberg, H. (2016): Wrap Your Model In An R Package !.

In: useR! 2016. Palo Alto,USA. 28.06 - 30.06. 2016


The groundwater drawdown model WTAQ-2, provided by the United States Geological Survey for free, has been “wrapped” into an R package, which contains functions for writing input files, executing the model engine and reading output files. By calling the functions from the R package a sensitivity analysis, calibration or validation requiring multiple model runs can be performed in an automated way. Automation by means of programming improves and simplifies the modelling process by ensuring that the WTAQ-2 wrapper generates consistent model input files, runs the model engine and reads the output files without requiring the user to cope with the technical details of the communication with the model engine. In addition the WTAQ-2 wrapper automatically adapts cross-dependent input parameters correctly in case one is changed by the user. This assures the formal correctness of the input file and minimises the effort for the user, who normally has to consider all cross-dependencies for each input file modification manually by consulting the model documentation. Consequently the focus can be shifted on retrieving and preparing the data needed by the model. Modelling is described in the form of version controlled R scripts so that its methodology becomes transparent and modifications (e.g. error fixing) trackable. The code can be run repeatedly and will always produce the same results given the same inputs. The implementation in the form of program code further yields the advantage of inherently documenting the methodology. This leads to reproducible results which should be the basis for smart decision making.

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