
The objective of this work was to determine the effects of thermal-pressure hydrolysis (TPH) on dewatered secondary sludge (5-7 % DR) from the wastewater treatment plant Waßmannsdorf with regard to solubilisation properties, biogas production and the formation of refractory substances. In laboratory tests, the impact of the treatment temperature on the sludge due to the TPH was investigated by varying the treatment temperatures within the range of 130-170 °C with a constant hydrolysing time of 30 minutes. Furthermore, the effect of TPH (TTH: 140-170 °C; tTH: 30 min) on digested mixed sludge was studied to quantify the total biogas production of the “Degradation-Lysis-Degradation”-process (DLD). With increasing treatment temperatures (130-170 °C), the COD solubilisation of the hydrolysates was increased linearly up to 45 % which caused higher a biogas production and improved organic matter reduction rates during the anaerobic batch tests. An average methane yield of 212 L·(kg VSS)-1 was produced by the untreated secondary sludge. TPH caused an enhancement of the methane production of additional 17-27 % with the highest surplus observed at treatment temperatures of 170 °C. The organic matter degradation of 46.6 % in the untreated secondary sludge was 2.6 to 36.5 % higher in the hydrolysed sludges and increased with higher temperatures. TPH treatment of the secondary sludge caused formation of refractory COD, that has been measured in the digested sludge filtrate after 28 days of the aerobic degradation test. The organic matter of the untreated secondary sludge was found to be transformed to refractory COD up to 3 %. For the hydrolysed sludges (130-170 °C), the transformation of the organic compounds to refractory COD amounted, temperature-dependent, to 3.9-8.4 %. Raising the TPH treatment temperature from 160 to 170 °C, showed a sharp increase in refractory COD. In order to achieve high biogas yields with moderate loads of refractory compounds in the sludge water, a TPH-temperature of 150-160 °C is recommended. Applying the TPH to the DLD-configuration, hydrolysed sludges showed 20-30 % greater methane yields as well as 16-27 % higher biodegradation rates compared to the untreated digested sludge. At a treatment temperature of 170 °C of the digested sludge, 372 L·(kg VSS)-1 methane were produced with a organic matter reduction of 67.6 %. Comparing the test results of TDH at 170 °C and the Thermo-alkaline Hydrolysis (TaH) of secondary sludge, dosing 0,08 g NaOH·(g DR)-1 at a treatment temperature of 70 °C, the highest achievable methane yields were in the same range of approx. 270 L·(kg VSS)-1. TaH caused a 50 % lower refractory compound formation than TDH. However, the enhanced dewaterability of TDH treated sludge, compared to TaH treatment, provides cost-saving potential.

Kraus, F. (2019): Was folgt aus den Vorgaben zur Phosphorrückgewinnung?.

p 348 In: Holm O., Thomé-Kozmiensky E., Quicker P. & Kopp-Assenmacher S. [eds.], Verwertung von Klärschlamm 2. Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH. Berlin


With the new sewage sludge ordinance from 2017, phosphorus recovery becomes obligatory for large sewage treatment plant operators. Within the last year, the interpretation of this ordinance due to the exact wording has changed. As an example, a process aiming to recover phosphorus within the sewage treatment plant from waste water or sludge before the sludge is legally understood as waste. Therefore, a benchmark of 20 g Phosphorus (P)/kg dry matter (DM) is foreseen. However, this benchmark is an obstacle to increasing energy efficiency and sludge reduction, since carbon and dry matter is transferred into biogas in anaerobic digestion. Normally, raw sludge has a phosphorus content around 20 g P/kg DM, while digested sludge has a phosphorus content of about 35 g P/kg DM. The paper shows estimations of different full-scale combinations targeting phosphorus and advanced energy recovery and the resulting phosphorus content in sewage sludge per kg DM. Furthermore, this paper discusses the legal framework regarding phosphorus recovery from ash based on the sewage sludge ordinance, the national fertilizer regulation, the European Union fertilizing product regulation and the European Union feed/fodder regulation. The author concludes, that the legal framework is not explained properly to sewage treatment plant operators, which leads to confusions. Several questionable paragraphs and their wording should be addressed in future regulation amendments. Finally, there should be a regulatory need to establish phosphorus recovery from demand side (fertilizer industry, farmers) and not only from supplier side (sewage treatment plants). Because otherwise products must be produced, whereby no actual market for these products is established.

habibi (2018): Energetic and economic evaluation of different scenarios for a biogas upgrading and power-to-gas technology at a wastewater treatment plant in Berlin.

Master Thesis. Department VIII, Mechanical Engineering-Renewable Energy. Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin


The aim of this thesis is to investigate the effectiveness and economic feasibility of installing a biogas treatment plant and power-to-gas (PtG) technology at a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Berlin. After extensive literary research, suitable technologies for the biogas treatment as well as the PtG technology were selected. The next step was to develop an energy tool to determine the best technological solution for the available biogas at the WWTP in question. Several scenarios were selected to be tested by the energy tool. In addition, the selected scenarios were analysed and evaluated from both economic and ecological standpoints. The results show that the use of a combined heat and power (CHP) plant along with a wind turbine or a biogas treatment plant is the best option for the selected WWTP. A biogas upgrading plant does not currently offer any environmental and economic benefits. However, the results of economic analysis also reveal that a biogas treatment plant is very cost-effective for digester gas. Compared to the current situation regarding the reference WWTP, the gas treatment technology requires approximately 75% less investment and approximately 85% lower operating costs. In addition, a biogas treatment can compete with a CHP plant if the 2017 CHP Act is considered and CHP subsidy is no longer granted. The results show that PtG technology is not an economically viable investment, since this technology is associated with very high investment costs and has no support scheme.


The last 60 years has seen unprecedented groundwater extraction and overdraft as well as development ofnew technologies for water treatment that together drive the advance in intentional groundwater replenishment known as managed aquifer recharge (MAR). This paper is the first known attempt to quantify the volume ofMAR at global scale, and to illustrate the advancement of all the major types ofMAR and relate these to research and regulatory advancements. Faced with changing climate and rising intensity ofclimate extremes, MAR is an increasingly important water management strategy, alongside demand management, to maintain, enhance and secure stressed groundwater systems and to protect and improve water quality. During this time, scientific research—on hydraulic design offacilities, tracer studies, managing clogging, recovery efficiency and water quality changes in aquifers—has underpinned practical improvements in MAR and has had broader benefits in hydrogeology. Recharge wells have greatly accelerated recharge, particularly in urban areas and for mine water management. In recent years, research into governance, operating practices, reliability, economics, risk assessment and public acceptance ofMAR has been undertaken. Since the 1960s, implementation of MAR has accelerated at a rate of 5%/year, but is not keeping pace with increasing groundwater extraction. Currently, MAR has reached an estimated 10 km3/year, ~2.4% of groundwater extraction in countries reporting MAR (or ~1.0% of global groundwater extraction). MAR is likely to exceed 10% of global extraction, based on experience where MAR is more advanced, to sustain quantity, reliability and quality ofwater supplies.

Matzinger, A. , Zamzow, M. , Riechel, M. , Pawlowsky-Reusing, E. , Rouault, P. (2018): Quantitative Beschreibung der Resilienz urbaner Wassersysteme.

p 9 In: Regenwasser in urbanen Räumen - aqua urbanica trifft RegenwasserTage. Landau i. d. Pfalz, Germany. 18.-19. Juni 2018


Die Erhöhung der Resilienz urbaner Wasserinfrastrukturen wird oft als wichtiges Ziel genannt. Eine Literaturstudie zeigt, dass dafür konkretisiert werden muss, um welche Infrastruktur es sich handelt, gegenüber welcher Störung sie resilient sein soll und an welcher Leistung sich die Resilienz zeigen soll. Hier wird darauf aufbauend ein quantitativer Ansatz der Resilienzmessung vorgeschlagen, der die Schwere des Leistungsausfalls gegenüber einem Grenzwert über die Zeit integriert und dieses Integral über das Zeitintervall und den gewählten Grenzwert normiert. Eine beispielhafte Anwendung für Stadtentwässerungsstrategien bei Starkregenereignissen zeigt, dass der vorgeschlagene Ansatz den Vorteil hat, dass Dauer und Ausmaß eines Leistungsausfalls in einem Resilienzwert berücksichtigt werden können. Zudem erlaubt der Ansatz eine Evaluation unterschiedlicher Störungen, beispielsweise durch Systemausfälle. Durch die Normierung wird ein Vergleich unterschiedlicher Leistungen von Wasserinfrastruktur ermöglicht. Allerdings ist die normierte Resilienz stark von der Wahl des Zeitintervalls und des festgelegten Grenzwertes abhängig und damit nicht ohne weiteres auf andere Systeme übertragbar.


For ensuring microbial safety, the current European bathing water directive (BWD) (76/160/EEC 2006) demands the implementation of reliable early warning systems for bathing waters, which are known to be subject to short-term pollution. However, the BWD does not provide clearly defined threshold levels above which an early warning system should start warning or informing the population. Statistical regression modelling is a commonly used method for predicting concentrations of fecal indicator bacteria. The present study proposes a methodology for implementing early warning systems based on multivariate regression modelling, which takes into account the probabilistic character of European bathing water legislation for both alert levels and model validation criteria. Our study derives the methodology, demonstrates its implementation based on information and data collected at a river bathing site in Berlin, Germany, and evaluates health impacts as well as methodological aspects in comparison to the current way of long-term classification as outlined in the BWD.

Kraus, F. , Zamzow, M. , Conzelmann, L. (2018): Ökobilanzieller Vergleich der konventionellen P-Düngemittelproduktion aus Rohphosphat mit der Phosphorrückgewinnung aus dem Abwasserpfad.

p 535 In: Holm O., Thomé-Kozmiensky E., Quicker P. & Kopp-Assenmacher S. [eds.], Verwertung von Klärschlamm. Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH. Berlin


In the aftermath of the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement (COP21) by virtually all United Nations, producing more with less is imperative. In this context, phosphorus processing, despite its high efficiency compared to other steps in the value chain, needs to be revisited by science and industry. During processing, phosphorus is lost to phosphogypsum, disposed of in stacks globally piling up to 3–4 billion tons and growing by about 200 million tons per year, or directly discharged to the sea. Eutrophication, acidification, and long-term pollution are the environmental impacts of both practices. Economic and regulatory framework conditions determine whether the industry continues wasting phosphorus, pursues efficiency improvements or stops operations altogether. While reviewing current industrial practice and potentials for increasing processing efficiency with lower impact, the article addresses potentially conflicting goals of low energy and material use as well as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as a tool for evaluating the relative impacts of improvement strategies. Finally, options by which corporations could pro-actively and credibly demonstrate phosphorus stewardship as well as options by which policy makers could enforce improvement without impairing business locations are discussed.

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