
The last 60 years has seen unprecedented groundwater extraction and overdraft as well as development ofnew technologies for water treatment that together drive the advance in intentional groundwater replenishment known as managed aquifer recharge (MAR). This paper is the first known attempt to quantify the volume ofMAR at global scale, and to illustrate the advancement of all the major types ofMAR and relate these to research and regulatory advancements. Faced with changing climate and rising intensity ofclimate extremes, MAR is an increasingly important water management strategy, alongside demand management, to maintain, enhance and secure stressed groundwater systems and to protect and improve water quality. During this time, scientific research—on hydraulic design offacilities, tracer studies, managing clogging, recovery efficiency and water quality changes in aquifers—has underpinned practical improvements in MAR and has had broader benefits in hydrogeology. Recharge wells have greatly accelerated recharge, particularly in urban areas and for mine water management. In recent years, research into governance, operating practices, reliability, economics, risk assessment and public acceptance ofMAR has been undertaken. Since the 1960s, implementation of MAR has accelerated at a rate of 5%/year, but is not keeping pace with increasing groundwater extraction. Currently, MAR has reached an estimated 10 km3/year, ~2.4% of groundwater extraction in countries reporting MAR (or ~1.0% of global groundwater extraction). MAR is likely to exceed 10% of global extraction, based on experience where MAR is more advanced, to sustain quantity, reliability and quality ofwater supplies.


Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) provides efficient removal for many organic compounds and sum parameters. However, observed in situ removal efficiencies tend to scatter and cannot be predicted easily. In this paper, a method is introduced which allows to identify and eliminate biased samples and to quantify simultaneously the impact of (i) redox conditions (ii) kinetics (iii) residual threshold values below which no removal occurs and (iv) field site specifics. It enables to rule out spurious correlations between these factors and therefore improves the predictive power. The method is applied to an extensive database from three MAR field sites which was compiled in the NASRI project (2002e2005, Berlin, Germany). Removal characteristics for 38 organic parameters are obtained, of which 9 are analysed independently in 2 different laboratories. Out of these parameters, mainly pharmaceutically active compounds (PhAC) but also sum parameters and industrial chemicals, four compounds are shown to be readily removable whereas six are persistent. All partly removable compounds show a redox dependency and most of them reveal either kinetic dependencies or residual threshold values, which are determined. Differing removal efficiencies at different field sites can usually be explained by characteristics (i) to (iii).

Grützmacher, G. , Wiese, B. , Heberer, T. , Massmann, G. , Dünnbier, U. , Jekel, M. (2011): Behaviour of trace organics during drinking water production via subsurface passage.

p 1 In: Niedersächsisches Grundwasserkolloquium. Braunschweig. 23.-24.02.2011


Berlin’s drinking water is produced from groundwater replenished by up to 60 % of surface water from the city’s abundant rivers or lakes using bank filtration or artificial groundwater recharge. Currently 700 production wells, located along the banks produce more than 200 Mio m³/a of drinking water, which is treated only for iron and manganese removal before distribution. This is due to the fact that different natural treatment processes (e.g. straining of particles, adsorption or biodegradation) occur during subsurface passage so that post-treatment effort is reduced. Compared to other bank filtration sites world wide, the situation in Berlin is characterized by low hydraulic conductivities but nevertheless high capacities. Interdisciplinary research projects have shown that travel times and redox conditions during subsurface passage are highly transient due to seasonal effects and discontinuous pump operation. Trace organics like pharmaceuticals and x-ray contrast media that occur in Berlin’s surface waters due to relevant shares of treated waste water are attenuated during subsurface passage to varying degree. Substances that were found to be poorly attenuated under oxic conditions or even persistent include carbamazipine, primidone, sulfamethoxazole, 1,5 NDSA, MTBE and EDTA. Under anoxic to anaerobic conditions others like phenazone and diclofenac show little removal. However, none of these substances occur at relevant concentrations in the finished drinking water due to low initial concentrations or additional removal during post-treatment. Research is currently focussing on hybrid systems combining subsurface passage with advanced drinking water treatment in order to be prepared in case higher source concentrations occur.


Berlin’s drinking water is produced from groundwater replenished by 60 % from surface water from the city’s abundant rivers or lakes using bank fi ltration or artifi cial groundwater recharge. Compared to other bank fi ltration sites world wide, the situation in Berlin is characterized by low hydraulic conductivities but nevertheless high capacities. Interdisciplinary research projects have shown that travel times and redox conditions during subsurface passage are highly transient due to seasonal effects and discontinuous pump operation. Trace organics like pharmaceuticals and x-ray contrast media are attenuated during subsurface passage to a varying degree. Substances that were found to be poorly removed under oxic conditions or even persistent include carbamazepine, primidone, sulfamethoxazole, 1,5 NDSA, MTBE and EDTA. Under anoxic to anaerobic conditions others like phenazone and diclofenac show little removal. However, none of these substances occur at relevant concentrations in the fi nished drinking water due to low initial concentrations in the surface water or additional removal during post-treatment (aeration and fi ltration for iron and manganese removal).

Wiese, B. , Jekel, M. , Dünnbier, U. , Heberer, T. , Massmann, G. , Mechlinski, A. , Orlikowski, D. , Hülshoff, I. , Grützmacher, G. (2010): Condition-dependent removal of 38 organic constituents during bank filtration.

p 4 In: Groundwater Quality Management in a Rapidly Changing World. Zurich, Switzerland. June 13-18, 2010


Managed aquifer recharge provides efficient removal for many organic water constituents but it is a difficult task to quantify removal under field conditions: Observed concentrations often scatter and may be biased by subsurface mixing of different waters. Removal efficiency is affected by different environmental parameters, such as redox potential, travel times, threshold values, and also field site specifics. In addition, it is crucial to know the corresponding surface water concentration for all samples. We developed a method, which overcomes these difficulties, quantifies the efficiency and removal kinetics and is applicable to extensive databases. It combines both, statistical and graphical evaluation which allows the determination of precise values and also interpretation based on expert knowledge. The database of this study was collected within the NASRI project between 2002 and 2005 at two bank filtration sites (Tegel BF, Wannsee BF) and one basin aquifer recharge site (Tegel AR) in Berlin. In total, 38 organic constituents were analysed (Table 1).


In the densely populated semi-arid territory around Delhi, the water demand is rising continuously, while the surface- and groundwater resources are threatened by contamination and overexploitation. This is a typical scenario in many newly industrialising and developing countries, where new approaches for a responsible resources management have to be found. Bank filtration holds a great potential, thus being a low tech method and benefiting from the storage and contaminant attenuation capacity of the natural soil/rock. For this study, three field sites have been constructed to investigate bank filtration in different environments in and around the megacity with a main focus on inorganic contaminants. Hydraulic heads, temperature gradients and hydrochemistry of surface water and groundwater were analysed in three different seasons. Depending on sitespecific conditions, distinct hydrogeological conditions were observed and both positive and negative effects on water quality were identified. Most concerning issues are the impact of anthropogenic ammonia, the mixing with ambient saline groundwater and the mobilisation of arsenic during the reductive dissolution of manganese- and iron(hydr)oxides. Positive aspects are the dilution of contaminants during the mixing of waters from different sources, the sorption of arsenic, denitrification, and the precipitation of fluoride under favourable conditions.


The microbial degradation of pharmaceuticals found in surface water used for artificial recharge is strongly dependent on redox conditions of the subsurface. Furthermore the durability of production wells may decrease considerably with the presence of oxygen and ferrous iron due to the precipitation of trivalent iron oxides and subsequent clogging. Field measurements are presented for oxygen at a bank filtration site in Berlin, Germany, along with simplified calculations of different oxygen pathways into the groundwater. For a twodimensional vertical cross-section, oxygen input has been calculated for six scenarios related to different water management strategies. Calculations were carried out in order to assess the amount of oxygen input due to (1) the infiltration of oxic lake water, (2) air entrapment as a result of water table oscillations, (3) diffusive oxygen flux from soil air and (4) infiltrating rainwater. The results show that air entrapment and infiltrating lake water during winter constitute by far the most important mechanism of oxygen input. Oxygen input by percolating rainwater and by diffusive delivery of oxygen in the gas phase is negligible. The results exemplify the importance of well management as a determining factor for water oscillations and redox conditions during artificial recharge.


Large-scale dispersion was studied in an unconsolidated, sandy, glaciofluvial, river-recharged, and confined aquifer in Germany. Groundwater observation wells from a 3.5-km-long transect located in flow direction from the river Oder into a large lowland area (Oderbruch polder) were sampled for noble gases in order to date the groundwater with the tritium and helium (3H-3He) technique. The apparent 3H-3He ages of the groundwater increased from only a few months to >40 years along the flow path. Highest values for initial 3H (sum of 3H and its decay product tritiogenic helium, 3Hetri) were encountered in 2.6-km river distance. Concentrations of 4He in the water increased to 1.1 × 10-7 cm3 STP/g with distance from the river. The initial 3H data enabled an estimation of the longitudinal dispersivity with a simplified one-dimensional transport model. The best fit of modeled and measured initial H data was obtained using a dispersivity of 120 m. Deviations of modeled hydraulic ages and measured apparent 3H- 3He ages for older samples can be explained by dispersive mixing.


The behaviour of residues of phenazone-type pharmaceuticals during bank filtration was investigated at a field site in Berlin, Germany, where bank-filtered water is used for drinking water production. The concentrations of the pharmaceutical residues in the shallow, young bank filtrate (travel times < one month) were correlated to the prevailing hydrochemical conditions at the field site. In addition, their behaviour during passage through an undisturbed sediment core from the lake base at the site (clogging layer) was evaluated in the laboratory. Phenazone, 4-acetylaminoantipyrine (AAA), 4-formylaminoantipyrin (FAA) and 1,5-dimethyl-1,2-dehydro-3-pyrazolone (DP) were eliminated more efficiently under oxic conditions, while 1-acetyl-1-methyl-2-dimethyloxamoyl-2-phenylhydrazide (AMDOPH) was not eliminated at all. The redox conditions and the elimination of the respective pharmaceutical residues displayed strong seasonal variations. Oxic conditions were only encountered close to the shore in winter, when temperatures were low. The column study showed that the elimination is restricted to the uppermost decimetres of the lake base, where oxygen is present. While phenazone elimination is almost complete during aerobic rapid sand filtration in the waterworks, the compounds were found to be more persistent under anoxic field conditions.


Managed aquifer recharge is gaining importance as a practice to bank and treat surface water for drinking water production. Neon (Ne) concentrations were analysed at four different recharge sites in and near Berlin, where groundwater is recharged directly from surface water courses, either by near-natural bank filtration, induced bank filtration or engineered basin recharge. Neon concentrations in excess of saturation (DNe) were used to identify excess air in the infiltrates. Excess air concentrations were around saturation at the near-natural bank filtration site, where river water infiltrates through a permeable river bed into a confined aquifer under completely saturated conditions. At two induced unconfined bank filtration sites, samples generally contained excess air (up to 60% DNe). Highest excess air concentrations (up to 81% DNe) were encountered at the engineered basin recharge site. The degree of water table fluctuations, the water saturation of the sediments in the infiltration zone and the presence of a confining layer affect the formation of excess air. Excess air can only be used to trace bank filtrate or artificially recharged water in a setting where the ambient groundwater in the near vicinity of production wells is not affected by large water-table fluctuations. Nevertheless, excess air concentrations provide valuable additional information on the type of recharge (saturated or unsaturated, degree of water table fluctuations).

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