
Maßnahmen der Regenwasserbewirtschaftung können Probleme der versiegelten Stadt wie die Belastung urbaner Oberflächengewässer und städtische Hitzeinseln vermindern und gleichzeitig die biologische Vielfalt und die Freiraumqualität verbessern. Um dieses Potenzial gezielt einsetzen zu können, wurden im vorliegenden Leitfaden die Vorteile und der Aufwand dieser Maßnahmen konsequent quantitativ bewertet. Ausgehend von dieser Bewertung wurde im Rahmen von KURAS eine Methode entwickelt, die eine integrierte Planung von Maßnahmen der Regenwasserbewirtschaftung für konkrete Stadtquartiere unterstützen kann. Sie verknüpft lokale Anforderungen mit der Maßnahmenbewertung, um geeignete und machbare Maßnahmen auszuwählen und im Stadtquartier zu platzieren. Neben Einzelmaßnahmen wurden in einem Planspiel auch durch die KURAS-Methode erstellte Maßnahmenkombinationen für zwei Berliner Stadtquartiere hinsichtlich ihrer Effekte quantitativ bewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine gezielte Kombination von Maßnahmen über die Ebenen der Stadt hinweg - vom Gebäude über das Quartier bis zum Kanaleinzugsgebiet - die angestrebten Effekte für Umwelt und Bewohner deutlich erreicht.


Im Zusammenhang mit der Wasserqualität von Niederschlagsabflüssen wird seit einigen Jahren vermehrt die Rolle organischer Mikroverunreinigungen aus Baumaterialien diskutiert. Einer der bekanntesten Vertreter ist das Biozid Mecoprop, welches als Durchwurzelungsschutz in bitumenhaltigen Dachabdichtungen eingesetzt wird und die Qualität von Gewässern und Böden beeinträchtigt. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird im Rahmen einer einjährigen Messkampagne das Auswaschverhalten eines 18 Jahre alten Gründachs sowie zweier neuer, unbegrünter Versuchsdächer untersucht. Darüber hinaus wird der potenzielle Rückhalt von Mecoprop in einem Retentionsbodenfilter quantifiziert. Die bisherigen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Mecoprop auch nach vielen Jahren noch in relevanten Konzentrationen vom Gründach ausgewaschen wird (Mittelwert: 1,3 µg L-1). Im Regenabfluss von neuen, unbegrünten Bitumenbahnen wurden sogar 100fach höhere Konzentrationen festgestellt. Der Retentionsbodenfilter kann zwar mit einer Reinigungsleistung von 59% zu einer Reduktion der Frachten ins Gewässer beitragen. Eine wesentliche Verbesserung der Wasserqualität ließe sich aber vor allem durch den Verzicht auf mecoprophaltige Dachabdichtungen erreichen.


The wash out of agricultural auxiliary chemicals like fertilizer and pesticides via surface run-off or subsurface leaching into drainage systems or ground waters, which discharge into surface waters, presents an increasing risk for drinking water production and biodiversity in rivers and lakes. Mitigation zones are important measures to attenuate contamination at the source and relieve surface waters downstream. Under high flow conditions, as they occur during rainy seasons and snow melt, the effectiveness of such facilities is restricted due to bypass of untreated waters or very short contact times. This study of the Aquisafe 2 project focus on drainage water decontamination and examines mitigation zone designs with organic substrates for their potential to reduce a set of herbicides and nitrate (NO3-), concurrently and efficiently, at short hydraulic residence times (0.2 to 2.5 days) to prepare their implementation in contamination hot spots. The herbicides bentazone, atrazine and isoproturon were classified as most relevant for drinking water production. On the basis of comprehensive literature studies the organic substrates bark mulch and straw and the design of bioretention swales emerged to be of high potential for decontamination of drainage waters in mitigation zones. In laboratory scale studies the substrates were tested in degradation-, sorption- and leaching-experiments at temperatures around 21 °C for their potential to ensure long- lasting hydraulic permeability, denitrification and attenuation of the selected herbicides. The selected organic substrates provide a high and long term stable permeable conductivity to realize and maintain high flow. The effective porosity yielded around 0.45 and reduced within 1.5 years by only 25 %. Straw is a readily available organic carbon source, which can support effective and efficient denitrification at short hydraulic residence times. Bark mulch contains more resistant carbon species, but contributes also to NO3- removal. In mixture with straw the performance of bark mulch as organic carbon source for denitrification increases (co-metabolic decomposition). Organic substrates are characterized by strong wash out of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and high denitrification rates (15 to 45 g-N m-3 d-1) in the start phase and successive decrease of denitrification performance due to loss of readily available organic carbon. Despite decline of performance, denitrification rates stabilized after one year of operation at constant conditions at a level of 4 to 10 g-N m-3 d-1 (10 to 25 % of input). The potential of the organic substrate to retain the selected herbicides is very different for each compound and bases on different dissipation paths. Denitrifying conditions are in general disadvantageous for retention of the selected herbicides. Bentazone is too persistent and mobile to be considerably retained under high flow conditions. Atrazine can be substantially removed from drainage waters. It is suspected to be attenuated predominantly by formation of bound residues at the organic substrate, especially bark mulch, and partially by degradation to hydroxy-atrazine. Isoproturon seems to be effectively retained under suboxic conditions by degradation to metabolites. At technical scale parallel retention of NO3- and atrazine and NO3- and isoproturon was investigated. The potential of the organic carbon source (mixture of bark mulch and


Der Regenwasserabfluss von versiegelten Flächen kann zu erheblichen Beeinträchtigungen von Flüssen und Seen führen. Durch das schnelle Ableiten des Regenwassers bleibt das positive Potenzial für die Stadtbevölkerung und die Umwelt zudem oft ungenutzt. Für eine nachhaltige Regenwasserbewirtschaftung stehen eine Vielzahl von Maßnahmen auf Gebäude-, Quartiers- und Kanaleinzugsgebietsebene zur Verfügung. Im laufenden BMBF-Projekt KURAS werden diese Maßnahmen hinsichtlich Ihrer stadträumlichen, klimatischen, ökologischen und ökonomischen Effekte umfassend untersucht. Daraus werden Empfehlungen für Planer und Behörden für den Umgang mit Regenwasser im städtischen Raum abgeleitet. Beispielhaft für den verfolgten Bewertungsansatz werden im vorliegenden Beitrag Indikatoren vorgestellt, mit denen die Maßnahmeneffekte auf drei ausgewählte Wirkungsbereiche (Biodiversität, Grundwasser und Oberflächengewässer) quantifiziert werden können. Erste Ergebnisse zeigen bereits, wie unterschiedlich Maßnahmen wirken können und wie wichtig die Berücksichtigung lokaler Schutz- und Entwicklungsziele bei der Maßnahmenauswahl ist. Aus der starken Streuung einzelner Bewertungsindikatoren kann zudem ein bedeutender Einfluss von Standortfaktoren und der konkreten Umsetzung einer Maßnahme abgeleitet werden, der bei der Planung ebenfalls berücksichtigt werden sollte.


Integrated planning of stormwater management requires a quantitative description of positive and negative effects of possible measures. We suggest quantifying these effects with generic performance indicators within eight categories: building physics and services, landscape quality, urban climate, biodiversity, groundwater, surface water, direct costs and indirect environmental costs. First results indicate that the defined performance indicators allow an objective pre-selection of measures based on their ability to reach local stormwater management goals. The final selection of measures should be based on an evaluation for a specific city quarter (to reduce indicator uncertainty) and reviewed by local stake holders.


The herbicide Glyphosate was detected in River Havel (Berlin, Germany) in concentrations between 0.1 and 2 µg/L (single maximum outlier: 5 µg/L). As the river indirectly acts as drinking water source for the city's 3.4 Mio inhabitants potential risks for drinking water production needed to be assessed. For this reason laboratory (sorption and degradation studies) and technical scale investigations (bank filtration and slow sand filter experiments) were carried out. Batch adsorption experiments with Glyphosate yielded a low KF of 1.89 (1/n = 0.48) for concentrations between 0.1 and 100 mg/L. Degradation experiments at 8 °C with oxygen limitation resulted in a decrease of Glyphosate concentrations in the liquid phase probably due to slow adsorption (half life: 30 days).During technical scale slow sand filter (SSF) experiments Glyphosate attenuation was 70-80% for constant inlet concentrations of 0.7, 3.5 and 11.6 µg/L, respectively. Relevant retardation of Glyphosate breakthrough was observed despite the low adsorption potential of the sandy filter substrate and the relatively high flow velocity. The VisualCXTFit model was applied with data from typical Berlin bank filtration sites to extrapolate the results to a realistic field setting and yielded sufficient attenuation within a few days of travel time. Experiments on an SSF planted with Phragmites australis and an unplanted SSF with mainly vertical flow conditions to which Glyphosate was continuously dosed showed that in the planted SSF Glyphosate retardation exceeds 54% compared to 14% retardation in the unplanted SSF. The results show that saturated subsurface passage has the potential to efficiently attenuate glyphosate, favorably with aerobic conditions, long travel times and the presence of planted riparian boundary buffer strips.

Krause, B. , Heise, S. , Litz, N. (2010): Properties of Atrazine and Bentazone.

Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH


The project Aquisafe assesses the potential of selected near-natural mitigation systems, such as constructed wetlands or infiltration zones, to reduce diffuse pollution from agricultural sources and consequently protect surface water resources. A particular aim is the attenuation of nutrients and pesticides. Based on the review of available information and preliminary tests within Aquisafe 1 (2007-2009), the second project phase Aquisafe 2 (2009-2012) is structured along the following main components: (i) Development and evaluation of GIS-based methods for the identification of diffuse pollution hotspots, as well as model-based tools for the simulation of nutrient reduction from mitigation zones (ii) Assessment of nutrient retention capacity of different types of mitigation zones in international case studies in the Ic watershed in France and the Upper White River watershed in the USA under natural conditions, such as variable flow. (iii) Identification of efficient mitigation zone designs for the retention of relevant pesticides in laboratory and technical scale experiments at UBA in Berlin. The present report provides a review of the properties and existing mitigation experience of the two herbicides Atrazine and Bentazone, which will be examined exemplarily in (iii). Whereas Atrazine is clearly the pesticide of greatest concern in the USA, Bentazone is mainly an issue in Europe with an increasing tendency. The sorption of Atrazine and Bentazone on soils is moderate. Moderate sorption in combination with medium to high persistency makes these compounds relatively mobile; therefore they can usually be observed in surface waters in general and in ground waters near places of their application. First experiences show that mitigation systems can be effective measures to decrease their concentrations by supporting biotic and abiotic dissipation processes, mainly at high residence times. Adding organic matter can improve adsorption of Atrazine and Bentazone, an important dissipation process in these systems. Degradation rates for Atrazine and for Bentazone can be increased by implementing highly microbiologically active conditions which can usually be accomplished in the presence of external carbon sources. While mineralization of both herbicides is favoured in aerobic -environments significant degradation of Atrazine was also observed under anaerobic conditions. A great number of open questions remain on how to design a mitigation system which is adequate to reduce herbicides in drainage water. For instance, there is no specific information on the degradation of diluted and adsorbed forms of the herbicides, very little information about necessary residence times, adsorption constants, half lives and leaching behaviour in specific substrates or comparable designs. Moreover, the influence of nitrogen, which is present in drainage water at high concentrations, on degradation of Atrazine and Bentazone remains uncertain. Finally, the behaviour of Atrazine and Bentazone (contained in agricultural drainage water) in mitigation systems in general and in bioretention swales in particular is poorly studied. Realistically, mitigation systems would only be implemented if they also allow significant reduction of nitrates. Given the existing knowledge, systems with both aerobic and anoxic zones are likely to bring most successful results regarding both herbicides and nitrates; though they may be difficult to implement. Both for nitrates and pesticides, the presence of external organic carbon sources (with a combination of fast accessible and sustainable substrate partitions) seems to be a good basis for dissipation processes and effective reduction.


In the initial phase of the project "Organic Trace Substances Relevant for Drinking Water – Assessing their Elimination through Bank Filtration (TRACE)" the total herbicide glyphosate was classified as highly relevant for further investigations [Chorus & Wessel 2007]. Glyphosate is one of the most widely used and distributed herbicides in the world. Even though it has been on the market since 1974 its use increased with the expiry of the patent at the beginning of the 1990s, in the context of “soil conserving” agriculture (no ploughing) and with the introduction of glyphosate resistant, genetically manipulated cultures like corn, soy beans and cotton wool in 1997. To estimate the occurrence of glyphosate and its main metabolite AMPA in the surroundings of Berlin samples from 22 surface water sites were analysed within this study. In 5 samples the glyphosate concentration was above the European threshold for herbicides of 0.1 µg/L in drinking water. Up to 70 % of Berlin’s drinking water is produced via bank filtration and aquifer recharge characterized by comparatively low flow velocities (< 1 m/d), long contact times (3-6 months) and mainly anoxic redox conditions. To evaluate the potential of bank filtration to protect the drinking water from glyphosate contaminations an experimental study was conducted in the second phase of the TRACE project. Three enclosures at the UBA’s center for aquatic simulations were dosed with three different concentration levels (average concentration: 0.7, 3.5 and 11.6 µg/L) over a time period of 14 days. The effluent was sampled daily for 34 days. Glyphosate and AMPA were analysed applying the HPLC method according to the German Standard DIN 38407-22/2001. In parallel the applicability of the ELISA kit of the company Abraxis was tested without adequate results. The one-dimensional substance transport model VisualCXTFit was applied to obtain substance specific parameters of glyphosate and hydrodynamic parameters of the filter substrate from observed and measured breakthrough curves. The obtained results show that the breakthrough of glyphosate was retarded remarkably (retardation coefficient (R): 18.3 to 25) despite of the initially postulated low adsorption potential of the sandy filter substrate. Also a significant reduction, probably due to degradation was observed (1st order decay-rate (alpha): 0.069 to 0.092 d-1). In addition to the semi-technical scale enclosure experiments laboratory and lysemeter tests were carried out to investigate the processes responsible for glyphosate removal during subsurface passage. The laboratory experiments yielded a KF-value of 1.8998 mgLkg-1 and a Freundlich exponent of 0.4805, from which a retardation coefficient of 53.4 was calculated for a glyphosate concentration of 20 µg/L. Furthermore, delayed degradation under sub-oxic conditions could be observed. The lysemeter experiments ensured no glyphosate breakthrough in the effluent of a 2 m thick column of fine to medium sandy material within 7 months. The data obtained in this project prove that there is a potential of bank filtration to eliminate the herbicide glyphosate: Taking into account that glyphosate concentrations in surface water are highly variable a good protection of the drinking water source by bank filtration especially in respect to peak concentration is ensured. However, adsorption and degradation parameters obtained in the laboratory and semi-technical experiments vary significantly due to the difficulty to imitate natural conditions in the laboratory. Therefore the experimental study of the project TRACE emphasises the need to conduct semi-technical experiments in a near-natural environment to evaluate the risk of contamination.

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