Jekel, M. , Grünheid, S. (2005): Bank filtration and groundwater recharge for treatment of polluted surface waters.

p 9 In: IWA Leading-edge Technology Conference. Sapporo, Japan. 6. - 8.6.2005


Investigations on the behavior of different bulk organics and trace organic compounds at a bank filtration site at Lake Tegel in Berlin, Germany, and in a long retention soil column system are reported. Objective of the research was to assess important factors of influence for the degradation of bulk and trace organics. More than two years of monitoring for the bulk parameter DOC proved that the redox conditions significantly influence the DOC-degradation kinetic but not necessarily the residual concentration. LC-OCD measurements confirmed that the change in character is comparable for aerobic and anoxic/anaerobic infiltration. Only the fraction of polysaccharides shows a better removal under aerobic conditions. Furthermore, adsorbable organic iodine (AOI) measurements revealed a more efficient degradation of AOI and AOBr under anoxic/anaerobic conditions. The monitoring of the single organic pollutants Iopromide, Sulfamethoxazole and naphthalenedisulfonic acids showed that the redox conditions have an influence on the degradation behavior of some of the monitored compounds. Iopromide was efficiently removed at all times, but no evidence for a dehalogenation under oxic conditions was found. Sulfamethoxazole showed a better removal under anoxic/anaerobic conditions. The very stable 1.5naphthalenesulfonic acid was not removed under either redox conditions.

Möller, K. , Kade, N. (2005): Behandeltes Abwasser als Ressource. Erfahrungen mit der Ableitung weitergehend gereinigten Abwassers aus dem Klärwerk Waßmannsdorf.

p 110. Schriftenreihe Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin. Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH

Huß, H. (2005): Untersuchungen zur Verbundsteuerung des Berliner Entwässerungssystems.

Diploma Thesis. Fachbereich 2 (Ingenieurwissenschaften II) Studiengang Bauingenieurwesen. Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin


Im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit wurde das Berliner Abwassersystem hinsichtlich einer Abflusssteuerung untersucht. Auf Grundlage des Merkblattes DWA-M 180 wurde zunächst die formale Bewertung des Steuerungspotenzials des Berliner Mischsystems durchgeführt. Weiter wurde für Niederschlagsereignisse des Jahres 2003 eine statische Bilanzierung bezüglich anfallender Wassermengen und vorhandenem Speichervolumen aufgestellt. Anhand von ausgewählten Ereignisse wurden dann für verschiedene Szenarien die Auswirkungen einer geänderten Förderstrategie untersucht. Im Vordergrund standen eine gleichmäßige Nutzung der Systemkapazitäten, die Verringerung von Mischwasserentlastungen und die Reduzierung des Mischwasserabflusses zur Kläranlage.

Schroeder, K. , Mannel, R. , Pawlowsky-Reusing, E. , Broll, J. (2005): Integrated Simulation of the Berlin Sewage System and Evaluation of a global Real-time Control Concept.

p 8 In: 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage 2005. Kopenhagen, Dänemark. 21. - 26.8.2005


The paper presents the build-up of a model for the integrated simulation of the sewage system of Berlin, Germany, focusing on the catchment of the wastewater treatment plant Ruhleben. The Ruhleben catchment, draining 185 km² and a population of 1.38 million inhabitants is characterised by its high portion of combined sewerage. The model comprises the collection system, pump stations, pressurised mains and the wastewater treatment plant. Hydraulic and quality processes are taken into account. A preliminary assessment of the sewage system and the analysis of historical operational data showed a high potential concerning global real-time control of the pump stations. Three different global control scenarios have been studied on the basis of a long time simulation over 50 days and compared with a local control regime. The results show that the coordinated operation leads to a reduction of total emissions. Main improvements can be achieved concerning the discharges from combined sewer overflows. These improvements are of major significance due to the high hazard potential of combined sewer overflows.

Huß, H. , Schroeder, K. (2005): Case study of global pump station control for the combined sewerage of Berlin.

p 15 In: Wallingford Software International User Conference. Howbery Park, Oxfordshire, England. 14. -15.9.2005

Schauser, I. , Strube, T. (2005): Perspectives of Lake Modelling towards Predicting Reaction to Throphic Change.

p 86. KWB Schriftenreihe. Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH. Berlin


Two major points of view prevail in modelling aquatic ecosystems. For practitioners, the key question in modelling aquatic ecosystems is how well models describe system reactions to changes – particularly trophic change and climate change – and in consequence, how useful models are for predicting system responses and for informing water-body management. For researchers, the modelling objective is to investigate functional interactions between ecosystem components, to understand complex causalities and to identify knowledge gaps to close with further lab and field work. Ideally, successful modelling should address both purposes. A need for more intensive communication between modellers of both groups, as well as other model users, was identified at a modellers’ workshop organised by the project “OLIGO” in autumn 2005. OLIGO (2003-2007) was a project of the Berlin Centre of Competence for Water (KWB), executed by researchers of the Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) and the Berliner Wasserbetriebe (BWB) and funded by Veolia Water. Following up on the recommendation of this workshop and in the context of finalising this project, UBA together with KWB organised a 2-day workshop in Berlin, 8-9 November 2007. The workshop was hosted by the Berliner Wasserbetriebe and brought together 60 modellers and model users from 6 countries. The workshop aimed to consolidate and document the state of the art in modelling water quality in reaction to nutrient load or climate change, to discuss how well current lake and reservoir models can support and inform decision-makers, including dealing with the uncertainty of model predictions, and to explore future perspectives and needs for the development of models.


Erfahrungen aus dem Betrieb einer Membranbelebung mit diskontinuierlichem Schlammabzug werden vorgestellt. Das Ziel ist, den Einfluss der Betriebsbedingungen auf Fouling und den Abbau extrazellulärer polymerer Substanzen zu bestimmen sowie mit bekannten Zusammenhängen aus Anlagen mit kontinuierlichem Abzug zu vergleichen.

Villwock, J. (2005): Auslegung und Optimierung eines Speichertanks für eine Membranbelebungsanlage.

Diploma Thesis. Ingenieurwissenschaften II. Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin


Since the 1970s, we have known about real-time control of urban drainage systems. However, global real-time control strategies still show a lack of implementation for large drainage systems of high complexity. In Berlin, Germany, a city of 3.5 million inhabitants covering an area of around 900 km2, the demand for enhanced protection of the environment and growing economic pressure have led to an increasing application of control assets and concepts within the sewage system. In the framework of the project "Integrated Sewage Management", the possibilities of a global and integrated control strategy for the Berlin system are examined. The paper is focused on the historical concept and design of the sewerage and the further improvement towards an environment-oriented system that builds the basis for today's considerations. The operational method and functionality of local regulators that have already been implemented are described. Further-more, the model-based methodology for the analysis of the system and the development of global control concepts, as well as the results of system analysis, are stated. On the basis of model simulations, it is shown that a global coordination of pump stations can lead to a reduction of sewer overflows, and consequently to an enhanced water protection.

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